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Propuesta PDUL para Urb. Casco Chacao. When architects design death chambers. For only $29.99, you can "build and manage your own maximum security prison.

When architects design death chambers

" Really. It's a video game, of course, called Prison Architect. Instead of planning the brave new worlds of Minecraft or SimCity, players can engross themselves in the world of prison design. Rather than simply being a warden, the player serves as architect, "choosing where to put lights, drains and how they connect together," notes PC Gamer.

And more: A tutorial from the indie maker, U.K.' It's a silly little game. In a recent letter on the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Web site, architect and activist Raphael Sperry writes that recent hunger strikes by prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and California's Pelican Bay reflect "intolerable living conditions. " Architects: Just say no Sperry's shoestring nonprofit, Architects/ Designers/ Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR), has attracted national attention recently with its Prison Alternatives Initiative. Prisons need architects Maybe. A tool of reform? Chris Alker on the Architecture of Re-Socialization. Chris Alker For the past fifteen years, five while attending the University of Texas at Austin and ten years working in the building industry, I have been a student of architecture.

Over these years my increasing frustration with the practice has led me to examine and re-examine the power of architecture. In doing so, the words of the American architect Louis Sullivan, “Form ever follows function”, never seem to be far from my mind. However, it is not the skyscraper, for which Sullivan is best known, that, for me, most embodies his credo. Rather it is two often overlooked architectural typologies, the castle and the prison. A History of Architecture, have most likely been glazed over due to their lack of importance in the development of architectural style, a common preoccupation regarding the history of our profession.

Today castles stand as monuments of history visited by curious tourists and serve as the inspiration for kitschy McMansion builders. Halden Fengsel Prison Bibliography:


Sistema penitenciario. Instituciones penitenciarias o sistema penitenciario es el término con el que se designan a las instituciones o al sistema establecido para el cumplimiento de las penas previstas en las sentencias judiciales; especialmente las penas de reclusión , cuyo propósito, en el derecho penal contemporáneo y el derecho penitenciario , es la reinserción social del condenado .

Sistema penitenciario

An interview with Gaudencio Pangilinan on rehabilitation in prisons. Gaudencio Pangilinan, National Director for the Philippines Bureau of Corrections, highlight the difference between reformation, reformative and restorative justice and what stance does the Philippines taking with regards to both. He also talks about current trends in prison design and construction in the Philippines.

Could you please highlight the difference between reformation, rehabilitation and restorative justice and what stance does the Philippines taking with regards to both? Gaudencio Pangilinan: You must be referring to Reformative Justice and Restorative Justice. We all know that in the olden times, our elders mind frame was not as humanized compared to what it is today. Remember how ICRC came about. I believe that as many as 90 per cent of those incarcerated while guilty were simply at the wrong time and place at the time of the crime. Restorative Justice while new in our system is but a level higher to that Reformative Justice. To decongest present facilities. Peter Zumthor Atmosferas. Peter Zumthor/ Atmósferas PrólogoConversación con la belleza.Entre los edificios de Peter Zumthor y sus entornos se produce un juego de dar y recibir; un prestarseatención, un enriquecimiento mutuo.

Peter Zumthor Atmosferas

Al enfrentarnos con su arquitectura, nos viene inevitablemente a lamente el concepto de atmosfera, una disposición de ánimo, una sensación en perfecta concordancia con elespacio construido, comunicada directamente a quienes contemplan, lo habitan, lo visitan e, incluso, alentorno inmediato. Zumthor aprecia los lugares y los edificios que ofrecen al hombre refugio, un buen lugar para vivir y una discreta protección.

La habitación pintada de la escritora danesa Inger Christensen –donde aparece la celebre cámara nupcial del duque de Mantua pintada por Andrea Mantegna –, así como loque cuenta Goethe en su Viaje a Italia. Foucault, Michel - Vigilar y Castigar.