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Sublime Text Plugins

PHP Completions Kit. Provides PHP 5.5 completions for Sublime Text.

PHP Completions Kit

Auto complete shows the completion popup as you type, so you can fill in long words by typing only a few characters. Usage & Features Completions include language constructs, compile-time constants, constants, functions, classes, interfaces, exceptions, and magic methods. Function arguments. Sublime Text 2, Les plugins que j'utilise. Vous le savez je suis un fan inconsidéré de l'éditeur Sublime Text 2 (ST2 pour les intimes).

Sublime Text 2, Les plugins que j'utilise

La communauté grandit de jour à jour et des plugins font de cette éditeur un des éditeurs les plus rapides du marché. Aussi afin de vous aider à améliorer votre expérience je vous propose ici une liste des plugins que j'ai l'habitude d'utiliser. Les extensions marquées d'une * sont des extensions qui ne sont pas disponible via le package control.

Sublime Package Control C'est l'extension indispensable, puisqu'elle vous permettra d'installer les autres plugin en un instant. Installation - Package Control. Simple The simplest method of installation is through the Sublime Text console.

Installation - Package Control

The console is accessed via the ctrl+` shortcut or the menu. Once open, paste the appropriate Python code for your version of Sublime Text into the console. Documentation sur les serveurs virtuels Apache - Serveur Apache HTTP Version 2.2. The term Virtual Host refers to the practice of running more than one web site (such as and on a single machine.

Documentation sur les serveurs virtuels Apache - Serveur Apache HTTP Version 2.2

Virtual hosts can be "IP-based", meaning that you have a different IP address for every web site, or "name-based", meaning that you have multiple names running on each IP address. The fact that they are running on the same physical server is not apparent to the end user. Apache was one of the first servers to support IP-based virtual hosts right out of the box. Versions 1.1 and later of Apache support both IP-based and name-based virtual hosts (vhosts).

Storing multimedia in Mysql Database

Git commands. Installing Homebrew on OS X Mavericks 10.9, Package Manager for Unix Apps. The easiest way to install various Unix tools and open source software onto OS X is via a package manager or repository, unfortunately OS X doesn’t come with one, but fortunately there are some good folks that care.

Installing Homebrew on OS X Mavericks 10.9, Package Manager for Unix Apps

They come in the form of Homebrew. Homebrew isn’t the only option, also available is MacPorts and Fink but Homebrew is the newest and easiest of the trio. With HDFS, HBase, MapReduce, Oozie, Hive, and Pig. It is becoming increasingly common to have data sets that are too large to be handled by traditional databases, or by any technique that runs on a single computer or even a small cluster of computers.

with HDFS, HBase, MapReduce, Oozie, Hive, and Pig

In the age of Big-Data, Hadoop has evolved as the library of choice for handling it. This tutorial gives a thorough introduction to Hadoop, along with many of the supporting libraries and packages. It also includes a free downloadable virtual machine that already has Hadoop installed and configured, so that you can quickly write code and test it out. See the "Source Code and Virtual Machine" section at the bottom of this tutorial. Android Shapes tutorial - B2CreativeDesigns - Balint Farago. 雜誌-Raw Magazine. StarUML 5.0 User Guide (Basic Concepts) This chapter introduces the fundamental concepts required for effective use of StarUML™.

StarUML 5.0 User Guide (Basic Concepts)

Included are descriptions of models, views and diagrams, projects, units, approaches, frameworks, model fragments and their differences as well as UML profile. Model, View and Diagram Project and Unit Module Model, View and Diagram.


StarUML 5.0 User Guide (Managing Project) This chapter describes in detail the procedures for project management: creating a new project, making a part of the project into a unit, creating and importing model fragments, importing frameworks, and including and excluding UML profiles.

StarUML 5.0 User Guide (Managing Project)

Entretien embauche. Solution gratuite pour activer l’ecriture NTFS sur mac OSX 10.8.2 « Pause Café. Qt 4.7: Menus Example. QMainWindow provides a main application window, with a menu bar, tool bars, dock widgets and a status bar around a large central widget. In this example, we will see how to implement pull-down menus as well as a context menu. In order to implement a custom context menu we must reimplement QWidget's contextMenuEvent() function to receive the context menu events for our main window. We must also implement a collection of private slots to respond to the user activating any of our menu entries. Note that these slots are left out of this documentation since they are trivial, i.e., most of them are only displaying the action's path in the main window's central widget. We have chosen to simplify the constructor by implementing two private convenience functions to create the various actions, to add them to menus and to insert the menus into our main window's menu bar.

Finally, we declare the various menus and actions as well as a simple information label in the application wide scope. Algorithme d luhn. Menus & toolbars in Qyoto. HomeContents In this part of the Qyoto C# programming tutorial, we will work with menus and toolbars.

Menus & toolbars in Qyoto

A menubar is one of the most visible parts of the GUI application.


Le shell de UNIX sous Mac OS X. Maven: The Complete Reference - 2.3. Installing Maven. There are wide differences between operating systems such as Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, and there are subtle differences between different versions of Windows.

Maven: The Complete Reference - 2.3. Installing Maven

Luckily, the process of installing Maven on all of these operating systems is relatively painless and straightforward. How to install Maven on Mac OSX. Since Lion 10.7.1 10.6.8 MacOSx Snow Leopard (correct me if wrong), Mac OS X comes with Apache Maven 3 built in, and can be located at /usr/share/maven 1. Maven Built-In To verify the Maven installation, in terminal, issue the command mvn -version. Modèle de CV : Réaliser un CV soigné sous Word 2007. Notion de récursivité. La récursivité plus en détail. NetBeans Themes: Color Schemes of the NetBeans IDE: Page 2.


Frameworks php. Pourquoi allume-t-on des briquets à la fin des concerts ? Si l'on tape la question sur internet, on trouve... la question mais pas la réponse. Enfin, pas la bonne réponse. Ceux nés de la dernière pluie soutiennent mordicus que cette coutume a été inaugurée lors d'un concert de Patrick Bruel. Cpp programming. Divertissement. Base de donnees. Une lettre de motivation efficace en 10 points  Exercice de style aussi difficile qu’indispensable, la lettre de motivation réclame des qualités que tout le monde ne peut maîtriser : esprit synthétique, sens de la formule ou encore orthographe irréprochable. Cependant, inutile de s’appeler Victor Hugo pour rendre une excellente copie ! Au-delà du style, les recruteurs jugent une lettre sur des critères objectifs et sont sensibles à certains détails. Voici quelques règles pour apprendre à les contenter. Le fond.

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