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RSA Encryption. Next: RSA Exercise Up: crypto Previous: Certification OK, in the previous section we described what is meant by a trap-door cipher, but how do you make one? One commonly used cipher of this form is called ``RSA Encryption'', where ``RSA'' are the initials of the three creators: ``Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman''. It is based on the following idea: It is very simply to multiply numbers together, especially with computers. But it can be very difficult to factor numbers. For example, if I ask you to multiply together 34537 and 99991, it is a simple matter to punch those numbers into a calculator and 3453389167.

Suppose I give you the number 1459160519. Now it doesn't take a computer long to try out 38000 possibilities, but what if the number to be factored is not ten digits, but rather 400 digits? Seconds - an 18 digit number. Possibilities. Possibilities. Times the life of the universe to factor the large number. So RSA encryption works like this. And that have 100 or maybe 200 digits each. . Python_cheatsheet.png (PNG Image, 773x938 pixels) ExcelUnusual - outstanding methods for creating engineering, scientific, technical models and games in excel. Man Builds Computer Inside Computer Game. Graphing Calculator Story. New Tech Support Pricing Structure.
