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Features. API for extracting semantic image data - colors, faces, Exif data and more | Cloudinary Blog. When images are involved, web developers have a large set of relevant tools at their disposal. You can display images in your web sites and mobile applications. You can manipulate and transform such images using image editing and manipulation software or cloud-based solutions like Cloudinary. But there are other types of data embedded in image files that can add unique semantic information to the images and are hardly ever used.

Consider what new designs can appear if your graphics designer could assume that only blue themed user uploaded photos will be featured on your homepage. What about featuring only photos that show your users' faces? How about photos taken with new DSLR model cameras rather than older pocket ones? Unfortunately, such semantic data is usually locked safely within the images and rarely utilized by developers and designers. Predominant Colors & Color Histogram For example, the following image with the public ID 'fashion1' was uploaded to Cloudinary: Summary. jQuery Parallax Tutorial - Animated Header Background. I think we all agree that the parallax effect can get you that WOW factor when someone visits your website. So, I thought i would show you a live jQuery parallax example. In this tutorial i will explain in detail how to create your own parallax background effect using jQuery to manage the animation aspects of the banner which you could use for your header background.Update: The Parallax Plugin demo now works on jQuery 1.6.4+.

I have updated this post, the demo and new download package to include working functionality with the new version of jQuery. Happy parallaxing! DemoDownload The Images You will need the background images for the parallax banner. Image layer1: The main background – green vector backgroundImage layer2: Overlay image – the frogImage layer3: Overlay image – the grassImage layer4: Overlay image – the butterflies Note: To edit vector files you will need an editor such as Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop. The Code Also add the css style required for the parallax: Finishing up. Top & Free jQuery Animation Plugins. jQuery Animation Plugins allows you to perform custom animations of a set of CSS properties.

Here in this post, We’re going to share some best and free jQuery animation plugins. These plugins will surely help you attach stunning animations on your website. Check these out jQuery animation plugins. You might find these useful Transit Transit animation applies super smooth CSS transitions and transformations for jQuery. Spritely is a very beautiful jQuery animation plugin to create background animation and dynamic characters in pure JavaScript and HTML. Shadow animation jQuery plugin Shadow animation jQuery plugin allows you to enhance the functionality of animate function to support the CSS box shadow property. Motio Motio is a small JavaScript library for sprite based animations and panning. jQuery.animate() with GSAP GSAP plugin allows you to have GSAP take control under the hood so that your animations perform better; no need to change any of your code.

jQuery.pulse.js. 13 Excellent jQuery Animation Techniques | Tutorials. Only a few years ago, if something was animated on a website it was automatically assumed to be Flash. However, this is not the case today. With the growing popularity and wide spread use of JavaScript frameworks, sometimes you have to take a closer look to find out what is powering all of those smooth animations. With several JavaScript frameworks available, jQuery is quickly becoming a favorite. If you are interested in using jQuery for animated effects, here are 13 excellent tutorials to get you on your way. Building an Animated Cartoon Robot with jQuery Animate a hover with jQuery How To Create A ‘Mootools Homepage’ Inspired Navigation Effect Using jQuery CSS Sprites2 – It’s JavaScript Time Build An Incredible Login Form With jQuery Learning jQuery: Revealing Photo Slider Learning jQuery: Fading Menu – Replacing Content Using jQuery for Background Image Animations Animated Menus Using jQuery Create a Cool Animated Navigation with CSS and jQuery Animated Drop Down Menu with jQuery Related Posts.

Building an Animated Cartoon Robot with jQuery. Why? Aside from being a fun exercise, what purpose does something like this have? None that's plainly obvious. Its about as useful as a miniature ship in a bottle. Yet it does have an underlying purpose. It could inspire someone to look beyond the perceived constraints of web designers and developers. View Demo Overview This project was created by layering several empty divs over each other with transparent PNGs as background images.

The backgrounds were animated at different speeds using a jQuery plug-in by Alexander Farkas. The robot is comprised similarly to the background animation scene by layering several DIVs together to create the different robot pieces. The Markup <div id="wrapper"><div id="cloud-01"><div id="cloud-02"><div id="mountains-03"><div id="ground"><div id="full-robot"><div id="branding"><h1>Robot Head.

The structure of the divs closely resembles our diagram. The Style The CSS for this project is just as simple as the markup. The jQuery JavaScript Note from Chris Share On. 10 Cool jQuery Animation Tutorials. Here’s our collection of what we think are the 10 best jQuery Animation Tutorials you may have NOT seen before. Some of these tutorials may seem very simple but the results are fantastic and can form the base for something truly awesome. Enjoy. Related Posts: 1. Impressive Animated Landscape Header with jQuery It’s a cartoon themed landscape with elements which slide out to reveal additional content.

The screenshot below demonstrates the layout when fully expanded. SourceDemo 2. Gaya Kessler features a beautiful animation effect of puffing smoke in this tutorial. SourceDemo 3. After learning this tutorial you can understand how you can make BBC Radio 1 Zoom Tabs like effect where the mouse rolls over the image block, tabs slide up and the image zooms a little to reveal more of the picture. SourceDemo 4. This project was created by layering several empty divs over each other with transparent PNGs as background images. SourceDemo 5. SourceDemo 6. SourceDemo 7. SourceDemo 8. SourceDemo SourceDemo 10. 9 Word Cloud Generators That Aren't Wordle. The use of word clouds in the classroom is a powerful way to really get through to visual learners.

The details about the following nine word cloud generators will give you a fair idea how, as an educator, you can get the best out of them. A quick note: Wordle is quite easily the most popular word cloud generator out there. It’s free and easy to use. It does require Java though so Chrome users might have some trouble. Tagul Several features that do not figure in Wordle are incorporated in Tagul.For example, you have the option of choosing personalized shapes and multiple fonts to be used in your cloud. ABC Ya This application is very much like Wordle and operates the way Wordle operates. Tag Crowd This application gives you access to see frequency of words. Word It Out Word It Out helps create word clouds from any text, similar to the way Wordle does. Make Word Mosaic This one is from Image Chef and is one of the best creative tools you can find for your classroom. Wordsift TagCloudGenerator.

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds.