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J'ai testé pour vous... le cosplay. Depuis le raz-de-marée geek de ces dernières années, pas mal de gens semblent avoir assimilé le concept du cosplay.

J'ai testé pour vous... le cosplay

Petit rappel pour la forme : Le nom : le cosplay, c’est l’abréviation de « costume play ». Homemade Princess Leia Costumes. How to Do Princess Leia's Hair From 'Star Wars' FMA Military Pattern Design - Tutorial. I have received several PMs from aspiring FMA cosplayers asking about patterns for the butt-capes, military jackets, etc.

FMA Military Pattern Design - Tutorial

Since there seems to be some demand for it, I've decided to post a little walk-through! This tutorial covers pattern design for the FMA military uniforms, as worn by Roy Mustang, Riza Hawkeye, Maes Hughes, et al. It includes design instruction for pants, butt-cape and military jacket. It does NOT include step-by-step assembly instructions ("ease from notch A to circle D and gather the whosit with a whatsit stitch"), because you really, really don't want me to talk about sewing.