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The Top 10 Brand Pages on Google+ The Blank Sheet Project | Legends | Sir John Hegarty. The Importance of Being Awesome. By Faris on Dec 21, 2011 Did you know awesome used to mean the same thing as terrible? In the etymological history of the words, both were used interchangeably to describe the presence of God – something that inspired awe or terror. It is in this archaic sense that awesomeness is important for brands, media and people because of a fundamental shift in the nature of the mediascape. Media is fundamentally changing Moore’s Law’s is now the driving force of change in media. Moore’s Law is, in fact, more a trend of hardware computing history.

This in turn means computers get faster and cheaper, and memory gets cheaper as well. The price of a gigabyte of memory in 1981: $300,000 The price of a gigabyte of memory in 2010: $0.10 [Source] This tendency to exponentiate is the biggest driver of change in your world and it’s really, really weird. Nothing else changes like this. Then there is social Now, with the internet, we have, essentially, infinite media space. Awesomeness is the answer.

So – what spreads? 5 Tips for Journalists to Promote Stories and Engage Readers on Social Media. Social networks are now a major way to promote information online. Posting your articles on social media networks is easy, but it doesn't guarantee they'll be shared and ignite discussion. Today, when anyone who has an opinion can write, post, promote and brand themselves – journalists need to step it up. More interested in writing than marketing, journalists often stumble over how to promote their material. Engaging readers can seem tricky, but it's easier than you think. Here are my tips: Ask your friends to spark a conversation. Alaksiej Lavoncyk, is a media expert who runs UNDF projects in Belarus and Central Asia on growing media capacity in online campaigning. Advertising news, ad agency & creative news from Campaign. JWT resurrects J.Walter Thompson name JWT is to revert to its roots after nine years, by renaming the agency J.Walter Thompson to coincide with its 150-year anniversary.

We Are Pi wins Wrangler's European creative account We Are Pi, the Amsterdam-based agency, has won Wrangler's European advertising account after a competitive pitch. BBC Radio 4 and 6 Music hire Somethin' Else for social media BBC Radio 4 and 6 Music have appointed content house Somethin' Else to their social media account, to create more than 100 pieces of activity per month.

Shop entrances are hot spots for mobile use, says Starcom Almost a quarter of shoppers use their mobile phones while waiting outside retail destinations, whereas only three per cent use them while looking at products, according to research from Starcom MediaVest Group. IAB: ad is 'viewable' if half of it is seen for one second Powerade launches global World Cup campaign Dove launches first cinema campaign with 'real beauty' sequel.

Leo Burnett. Lovesocial-case-for-girls.jpg (JPEG Image, 2000x1535 pixels) 6 Social Media Trends To Watch For In 2012. By David Armano | 10:25 AM December 12, 2011 Each year at this time, I look forward and predict trends in social media for the coming year. But first, I look back at my predictions from last year. How’d I do? Not bad. Social media continues to move forward toward business integration, a trend that I identified last year. I was also partially accurate in predicting that Google would “strike back” in 2011. I had one big swing-and-miss on Facebook’s intrusion in the location-based services war. So what can we expect in 2012 in a world that seems to grow ever connected by the hour? Convergence Emergence. The Cult of Influence. Gamification Nation. Social Sharing.

Social Television. The Micro Economy. These are a few emerging trends which come to mind. Social Media News and Web Tips – Mashable – The Social Media Guide. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Official Site. Infographic: Anatomy of an Advertising Emergency. The Real Story Behind Apple's 'Think Different' Campaign. Loyalty program rewards customers for previous purchases. Gain instant and exclusive access to over 5,000 of the most creative ideas, innovations and startups on our database and use our smart filters to take you direct to those that are most relevant to your industry and your needs. Not interested? You can still browse articles published in the last 30 days from our homepage and receive your daily and weekly fix of entrepreneurial ideas through our free newsletters.

FriendFeed. Ad Age's Book of Tens: Best Social-Media Campaigns | Special: Book of Tens 2011. Marketing Muck-Ups: The Biggest Follies of 2011 | Special: Book of Tens 2011. Emotions, not facts, drive investors to sell. UC DAVIS (US) — Regret and pride guide stock investors more than economic facts—often to their financial detriment—a new study shows. “Having sold a stock, investors are disappointed if it continues to rise, and regret having sold it in the first place,” says Brad Barber, a professor in the Graduate School of Management at the University of California, Davis. “They anticipate that their disappointment and regret will be more intense if they repurchase such a stock rather than not repurchasing it; thus investors are most likely to repurchase a stock previously sold for a gain that is trading below the price at which they sold it.” Barber and colleagues analyzed trading records for 66,465 U.S. households with accounts at a large discount broker between January 1991 and November 1996 and another 596,314 U.S. investors with accounts at a large retail broker between January 1997 and June 1999.

More news from UC Davis: Digital Predictions for 2012 / Millward Brown. Yammer: My Feed. TV Ads' New Digital Role - Shiv Singh. By Shiv Singh | 11:45 AM November 10, 2011 Television advertising has undergone significant changes in the last 30 years. However, it is arguably on the verge of its greatest changes ever. From where I sit as the Global Head of Digital at PepsiCo Beverages, charged with navigating our brand’s foray into the digital world, I see three big changes: –The value we put on an advertisement will change as we seek to account for engagement metrics in the pricing.

–The narrative arch will change as we think of the advertisement as a trailer versus the whole story. –Location-aware technologies will force a greater degree of engagement on a format that had historically been passive, impersonal and certainly without any extensions. When you look at the statistics, the reasons are obvious. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Infographic: How, When & Where People Share Content.

Today being Wednesday, the odds are better than any other day you’ll share this post with someone else. Or so say the stats from social sharing service AddThis, one of several it compiled into an infographic. Other interesting stats? People tend to share the most around 9:30 Eastern Time (so we cunningly timed this post for just before that peak moment),75% of clicks on a share will happen within the first day that the content is sharedMost users click within 2 minutes of a shareCopy-and-paste to share can be used up to 10 times more than those social sharing buttons out there More from the infographic: Want the infographic for yourself?

The full-size files were provided through the Clearspring Flickr account here (Clearspring owns AddThis). Most Shared In 2011 AddThis also told us that among the most shared content in 2011 from its tracking were: Social Sharing “Half-Life” & More Information Related Topics: Channel: Social | Infographics | Social Media Marketing | Stats: General.


Chart of the Day: Commodities rule - | Bmf. | Sydney Morning Herald - Business & World News Australia | The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. Used and New: RAW COURAGE: The Extraordinary and Tragic Story of Four RAF Brothers in Arms (Fictional Characters and Real Events) Johnny Cash Hurt. Rugby. Pearltrees videos. Help.