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ATX power supply -> Lab bench power supply

Multi-Threading. RGB leds / multiplexing / ... XBee. Playing With Python And Gmail. In addition to its web interface Google also provides access via IMAP. The python imaplib module defines three classes, IMAP4, IMAP4_SSL and IMAP4_stream, which encapsulate a connection to an IMAP4 server and implement a large subset of the IMAP4rev1 client protocol as defined in RFC 2060.

The IMAP4 class implements the actual IMAP4 protocol. The connection is created and protocol version (IMAP4 or IMAP4rev1) is determined when the instance is initialized. Getting started with Python Imaplib To start with, we will create a simple python program to login to Gmail via IMAP. IMAP4.IMAP4_SSL is a subclass derived from IMAP4 that connects over an SSL encrypted socket (to use this class you need a socket module that was compiled with SSL support). If host is not specified, ” (the local host) is used. If authentication is successful the output will be: OK [' authenticated (Success)'] As part of our exercise we will be writing may usefull functions. Use: Output: How to make a Physical Gmail Notifier - Blog - Jamie Matthews. Or: how to turn this.. into this.. I was given a lovely glowing cube by the generous people at Linden Labs as a freebie at a job fair yesterday, and I decided that it was far too attractive to simply sit there on a shelf, pulsating forlornly until its batteries went flat.

How about making it useful, while maintaining its visual appeal? The following guide is deliberately fairly high-level, because the exact details will vary depending on your operating system and particular hardware setup. I did this with my Mac, but hopefully there'll be enough information here for you make it work on your system, perhaps with a little Googling. If you don't happen to have a glowing cube lying around, you can modify this to work with almost any output device you could think of, from a simple LED, or a buzzer, to something far more clever like moving a servo (Gmail Notifier Robot, anyone?)

The basic system has three components: Hardware Connected up to the Boarduino for testing: Software <? Gmail notifier project (for dummies) | TINYenormous - Build it up to break it down again. I’ve been really interested in doing J4mie’s Physical Gmail Notifier ever since it came out in February. I only recently dropped into the project and got to learn a lot about python, plists, and arduino auto-reset functionality. I’m going to share what I’ve learned because I think there are lots of other people out there struggling to make it work. This page doesn’t really offer much that J4mie didn’t already say – it just says it in a different way. I’ll post the code below – one issue with the way J4mie posted his was that it appended line numbers to everything and messed with formatting.

Python is _really_ picky about formatting! All of the files are zipped HERE. It consists of three documents - 1) one python script that logs into your gmail rss feed and checks your total number of new messages. 2) one arduino sketch that tells the arduino to turn on or off a light based on the serial input 3) one .plist file that tells your mac (sorry pcs!) Section 1- Python. Section two – Arduino.