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jQTouch — jQuery plugin for mobile web development. JQTouch Tutorial « Branch on Maybe. jQTouch Cheat Sheet | Free PeepCode Blog. Short examples of jQTouch and chain.js at March 1st, 2010 by Dante Recently, I got back on track with the RIA meetup and put together a brief overview of two jQuery libraries that I have found useful recently: jQTouch and chain.js. I’d like to briefly recap that session here and post the code that I wrote to demonstrate how they work.

I’d like to thank and acknowledge David Kaneda and Rizqi Ahmad, the authors of these two libraries, for sharing their insightful work with the world. Let’s begin with a quick overview: jQTouch What: A jQuery library (more like a framework actually) that provides tools that will make an HTML/JS/CSS app look and feel more like a native iphone applicationKey Advantages Provides a set of stylesheets that make extensive use of the safari-specific classes. Chain.js What: jQuery library that binds a javascript array to an HTML template. And now, let’s turn our attention to three very simple example files that I’ve included that demonstrate how to use these libraries. Example 1 – Hello, jQTouch World. jQTouch dynamic menus.