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Powmedia/backbone-forms. Gobhi/gbone.js. Theironcook/Backbone.ModelBinder. Simple Backbone.ModelBinding Example. Overview · tbranyen/backbone.layoutmanager Wiki. This tool is designed to make your time with Backbone.View easier and more powerful. It is an opinionated approach to structuring your web application. Philosophy The design goals of LayoutManager are oriented around being an extension of Backbone. This means that we follow the doctrine promoted by the project. Much like Backbone this project is low level and doesn't solve all problems you may encounter when developing an application. When you develop a new application by yourself or with a team, choices are made as to which tools to utilize.

There are many other solutions that attempt to solve the View management problem. LayoutManager is for you if you are looking for a plugin to augment Backbone and provide essential lacking features like: full template lifecycle, structuring layouts, ensuring proper cleanup for all Views, and giving you control of your nested Views with a concise API. How to write LayoutManager From here you can initialize and render the View: Marionettejs/backbone.marionette. Powmedia/backbone-deep-model. Powmedia/backbone-forms. Bootstrap form example. Backbone-relational Tutorial - Nested Models With Backbone.js. Introduction Backbone.js Backbone.js allows to implement the whole MVC pattern on the client, leaving the server to do what he knows best: exposing a set of well-defined REST interfaces, which the client queries when he needs to fetch or update some information.

No need to split the HTML rendering between the server templates and the client-side javascript. It's not only cleaner, it's also an excellent architecture to make responsive applications. No full page reload - the server sends a static HTML file upon the first request, then the JS client handles the interaction with the user, only remodeling the portions of the DOM that changes between pages. Backbone-relational However, when I recently started to learn about Backbone, I realized it doesn't help to handle relationships between models. If you're reading this, you've probably found out about backbone-relational after reading a few threads.

Scope of the tutorial Warning: I'm new to Backbone, so don't expect a definitive resource. View. PaulUithol/Backbone-relational. Antoviaque/backbone-relational-tutorial.