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101 of the Best Fiction Writing Tips, Part I. What if someone went through the biggest and best blogs on the internet, and pulled out the very best-of-the best tips for fiction writers? That’s what I’ve attempted to do here. I can’t guarantee there aren’t some amazingly helpful writing tips that I haven’t included, but this is a good start. I’ve also tried to steer clear of really obvious tips like “show, don’t tell” or “make your characters unforgettable,” in favour of ones that are less often discussed.

To learn more about the tips, click through to their original articles. Thanks to all these amazing bloggers for their valuable advice! Which tip is your favourite so far? Now, head over to: Creative Writing Courses and Ideas: An Online Resource for Writers. Short Story Ideas and Creative Writing Prompts. Here are lots of short story ideas that you can use as writing prompts. Use these story starters on their own or to get ideas for the CWN online writing courses.

You'll also find links to more creative writing prompts at the bottom of the page. Any of these ideas can be used either humorously or dramatically... or you can try both. Have fun! Do you like this page? Please click the +1 button to recommend it. Story ideas - three elements Choose a set of three elements and write a story that contains all three of them! Extreme challenge: combine three of the elements with one of the other short story ideas on this page. A stolen ring, fear of spiders, and a sinister stranger.

More short story ideas Challenge: 4 stories in 4 weeks using these short story ideas. Extreme challenge: Why not write a book of short stories? A babysitter is snooping around her employer's house and finds a disturbing photograph... Even more short story ideas Your character starts receiving flowers and anonymous gifts. Fiction Writing Tips. Creating Characters. How to Create a Character. By Holly Lisle All Rights Reserved No matter what sort of fiction you’re writing, you’re going to have to populate your story with characters, and a lot of them, if not all of them, you’re going to have to create from scratch. Unfortunately — or maybe fortunately — there is no Betty Crocker Instant Character-In-A-Can that you can mix with water and pop into the oven for twenty minutes.

There aren’t any quick and easy recipes, and I don’t have one either, but I do have some things that have worked for me when creating my characters, and some things that haven’t. You may find my experiences useful. Don’t start your character off with a name or a physical description. I know this doesn’t seem logical at first glance — after all, you name a baby before you get to know him very well. There are a couple of reasons. Do start developing your character by giving him a problem, a dramatic need, a compulsion. What does the character want? Don’t rely on crutches. Do empathize with your character. Writing Tips for Fiction Writers. 10 Tips to Improve Your Fiction Writing Skills | Guest Posts.

Posted by Guest on November 11, 2008 · This post was contributed by Kelly Kilpatrick, who writes on the subject of distance learning universities . She invites your feedback at kellykilpatrick24 at gmail dot com. Writing fiction, whether short or long, can be a very trying experience indeed. So many writers of fiction have different processes for achieving their writing goals that it’s hard to sift through what works and what doesn’t. Writing is a process that requires skill, determination, adaptability, and plenty of time. Here are some suggestions for improving your fiction writing skills, gleaned from trial and error over time. Start With a Seed Some great fiction books are simply a product of asking the question, “What if…?” Let the Story Tell Itself Think of yourself as a medium, or a vehicle, for a story that wants to be told.

Use Realistic Characters and Dialogue This is accomplished through many different approaches. Write What You Know Close the Door Keep Pushing Forward Revise and Edit.