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Seesmic. HootSuite. HOW TO: Evaluate Your Social Media Plan. Meaghan Edelstein has gained national media attention through her blog, I Kicked Cancer's Ass, which she started to document her battle with end stage cancer. She is an attorney, the founder of the non-profit organization Spirit Jump, and the Social Media Director for Many companies, startups and well established businesses are frustrated because their social media presence isn’t larger or yet benefiting their bottom line. One of the big issues is that most companies start using social media thinking it's the holy grail. It takes time, effort, and resources before this new media will have an impact on you brand.

Here are a few tips businesses should consider. 1. Are You Using the Right Platform? There are many social media platforms to consider when designing an online campaign. When launching a Facebook presence, consider the various platforms within this medium; Pages, Groups and now Communities. Blogging can be a powerful tool for any brand. 2. 3. 4. 5. Manage Your Brand’s Social Media Presence with One App. Mashable’s Spark of Genius series highlights a unique feature of startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, see details here. The series is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. Name: Awareness, Inc. Quick Pitch: The Awareness Social Marketing Hub helps marketers publish, manage, measure and engage with their marketing across key social media channels.

Genius Idea: We're living in the age of the social brand. Brands have accounts on sites like Foursquare, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and probably even have their own blogs. The Social Marketing Hub was designed to make the social media management and tracking responsibilities manageable for large enterprise organizations. These destination sites are referred to as channels, and the Hub supports updates to all of the following: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, WordPress, Flickr and Awareness-branded online communities. The Social Marketing Hub includes aggregate, channel and content-specific metrics. 20 Outils gratuits de Surveillance des médias sociaux « Digital. Nous vous proposons une sélection d’outils gratuits, simples d’utilisation et puissants "selon nous" qui vous permettront de surveiller ce qui se dit sur vous ou votre sujet de prédilection sur les plateformes de médias sociaux.

Addict-o-matic: Consulte plusieurs moteurs de recherche (Google, Yahoo, Bing…) et plusieurs réseaux sociaux (Flickr, Yahoo, Bloglines). Les résultats sont affichés sous forme de widget par source. Dommage, il n’y a pas possibilité de définir des alertes!! Ice Rocket: Outil performant qui donne les résultats en temps réel. Son plus est de suivre les tendances de notre recherche et de les présenter sous forme de graphe. Une autre particularité de l’outilc’est que l’on peut directement accéder aux sources d’un Buzz à l’aide de l’onglet "Big Buzz". Back Type: Permet la surveillance des commentaires sur les blogs, réseaux sociaux… en temps réel. SamePoint: Remonte des informations sur les blogs et réseaux sociaux. Joongel: méta moteur semblable à Who’sTalkin.