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The Array Mbira: Listen. Sitar. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour l’article homophone, voir Cithare. Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] La légende attribue sa création à Amir Kushro au XIVe siècle. Cette simple version à trois cordes, dérivée du tambur perse, a été modifiée au fil des siècles. Au XVIIIe siècle, une quatrième corde fut ajoutée, puis au XIXe siècle, les tarafs, cordes sympathiques, et la forme imposante, pour jouer dans les durbar, les cours royales. Il est le principal instrument du Khyal, musique hindoustanie classique de l'Inde du Nord. Lutherie[modifier | modifier le code] Sitar Composé d'une caisse de résonance hémisphérique en gourde (tumba) et d'un large manche creux (taillé dans du tun ou du teck), muni de frettes argentées courbes et amovibles, sur l'arrière duquel est fixé un petit résonateur en bois, le sitar est un luth complexe.

Les cordes non sympathiques se répartissent en 2 à 4 cordes de jeu et 2 à 4 cordes de bourdon, soit de 6 à 8 cordes en tout. Anoushka Shankar - Your Eyes (Sitar Solo) Goto Teijo: Koto (2007.194a-f. Koto no Koto - Tuning the Koto. How do you tune a Koto? All of the strings of the koto are stretched to the same tension. Koto tuning is accomplished by sliding the bridges on which the strings are suspended. Sliding toward the koto "tail" lengthens the playing area of a string and hence lowers its tone. Sliding toward the koto "head" shortens the playing area of a string and hence raises its tone. The image at the right shows a koto from above with the tail end at the top of the image and the head end at the bottom. The player is shown on the left side of the image.

Note that the strings are named by the numbers 1-10, and then with the Japanese words to, i, and kin, starting from the edge farthest from the player. There are many tuning schemes for the koto. Although a piece might be marked for a particular tuning, this is only the starting tuning. Notice that the scales are "pentatonic," which means that they use 5 notes. On this page are four primary tunings. Hira Joshi Kokin Joshi Kumoi Joshi Gaku Joshi Summary. Gu Zheng: Under The White Wind/Easter Performance by Bei Bei. Traditional Chinese music instruments - guqin,guzheng,pipa,erhu,yangqin,Konghou,sanxian,liuqin...all about strings. Erhu ()- or Er-Hu, a two-stringed fiddle, is one of the most popular Chinese instruments in the Hu-qin () family, where Hu stands for "foreign" or "the northern folk" in Chinese, and "qin" is a general name for all kinds of string instruments.

(more information about Erhu ...). Zhong-Hu (): If we call the "Erhu" Chinese violin, the Zhong-Hu is then the Chinese viola, where "Zhong" stands for "middle", thus the abbreviated name for the mid-pitched Erhu. It was developed on the basis of Erhu in the 1940s. Both the structure and performing skill of these two kinds of Hu-Qin are quite the same, yet Zhong-Hu has a deeper-sounding timbre but not as agile.

Being more suitable for singing melodies (particularly some Mongolian melodies), Zhong-Hu is thus often used as tutti or accompanying instruments, sometimes for solo too. Yangqin ( ) is a Chinese hammered dulcimer with a near-squared soundboard. 扬琴中青组王玉珏扬琴演奏《春》 2009CCTV民族器乐电视大赛. Chinese pipa : 天鵝 swan. Le pipa - une breve histoire du luth piriforme chinois à quatre cordes. - The above is an illustration of the time evolution from "qin-pipa" to the modern pipa through the influence of "hu-pipa" (see the English page for more detailed explanation. Le "pipa Tang" était plus grand que celui d'aujourd'hui. Il possédait habituellement quatre ou cinq cordes et peu de touchettes.

Probablement influencé par le "hu pipa", on jouait sur le "pipa Tang" avec un plectre de bois, technique encore en usage sur son descendant japonais, le Biwa. Depuis le milieu de la dynastie Tang, et plus particulièrement de puis la dynastie Song (969-1279), l'instrument a progressivement évolué jusqu'à sa forme actuelle, un luth sur lequel on joue avec des ongles artificiels, alors que le jeu avec un plectre a complètement disparu. [Discographies] [CD order] [Press reviews] [Nouvelles] [Audio and video clips] retour | dossier All right reserved ©2000 - 2006 Philmultic Management & Productions Inc. Traditional Chinese Music (Pipa): 小月儿高 - The Moon is High. Guzheng - Chinese zither Gu Zheng and free sample music (and Gu zheng music samples in MP3) The Zheng ( ), commonly known as Guzheng, ( pronounced "Goo-Zheng") , is a plucked string instrument that is part of the zither family.

It is one of the most ancient Chinese musical instruments according to the documents written in the Qin dynasty (before 206 BC). The Chinese character for "zheng"( ) is composed of two parts: the upper part means "bamboo"( ) and the lower part is "argue" ( ). ), 25-stringed zither, who had two talented daughters who loved playing the instrument. . , which is different from that of today. Is just "borrowed" here for the name of instrument due to the fact that its pronunciation is a closer imitation of the sound the instrument produces.

Zheng (Guzheng) is build with a special wooden sound body with strings arched across movable bridges along the length of the instrument for the purpose of tuning. Note that guzheng should not be confused with guqin, 7-stringed zither without bridges. Neuf et usagé Gu Qin, Auto-harpe cithare sur Erhu - Ballad of North Henan Province 豫北叙事曲 HQ - complete version.

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