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Một số kỹ thuật sử dụng RequireJS trong Magento 2 – NT's blog. Bài viết này tương đối ngắn đề cập đến chủ đề liên quan tới Javascript trong Magento 2. Bạn đọc chỉ cần hiểu biết cơ bản về Magento & Javascript là đủ. Đây là một trong những kỹ thuật quan trọng giúp ta quản lý, hoặc tùy biến Javascript mà tránh khỏi xung đột code. Nó cũng có thể khiến chúng ta liên tưởng tới DI hay interceptors tuy nhiên vẫn có nhiều hạn chế. Trước hết trong view/adminhtml hay view/frontend, tùy theo mục đích của bạn, tạo file requirejs-config.js. Bạn có thể đọc kỹ hơn tại đây. Phần 1: Tóm tắt các kỹ thuật sử dụng trong requireJS Tổng thể chung về Requirejs-config.js như sau: Map dùng để cấu hình các module có thể được sử dụng trong define([], function() { }), bởi alias (bí danh) của nó. ‘*’ chính là chỉ phạm vi sử dụng alias này, ý nó nói rằng bất kỳ module nào cũng có thể dùng được. Paths, Cách sử dụng nó khá giống với map nhưng áp dụng được cả cho HTML template và link bên ngoài. deps: ['Vendor_Module/js/module'] Text, được sử dụng để thiết lập security request headers.

Checkout - what does "displayArea" and "provider" of checkout_index_index.xml mean in magento2. To understand what checkoutProvider and displayArea are, you must first understand the scope you are looking in: jsLayout. jsLayout is a bunch of JavaScript configuration for the JavaScript UI elements on the checkout page. If you look at module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/onepage.phtml, you'll notice the following x-magento-init-data: This is where it all starts. It states: For element #checkout, initialize the Magento_Ui/js/core/app-component with the following information: ... And the information it receives is the information created in the layout XML: jsLayout. Now, I'm not going to dive into detail into how module-ui/view/base/web/js/core/app.js boils everything down, because that would make this post very, very long, but the summary is this: The Magento_Ui/js/core/app-component creates a checkout-component.This will be a component of the type uiComponent (this is a very generic component that can be used to defer your own custom UI components from.

But ... no provider as well. How to use Private Content or Sections in Magento 2? - Aureate Labs. In this post, I will be guiding you on how to use private content or sections in Magento 2. Since private content is specific to individual users, it’s reasonable to handle it on the client side i.e. web browser. A section is a piece of customer data grouped together.

Each section is represented by the key that is used to access and manage data itself. Magento loads sections by AJAX request to /customer/section/load/ and caches loaded data in the browser local storage under the key mage-cache-storage. Magento tracks when some section is changed and load updated section automatically. Here we will be using Aureatelabs as the Vendor name and CustomSection as the name of the module. Follow the below steps to define the custom section and use the data of the custom section in our custom phtml file. Step 1: Define a custom section We will define a custom section in the di.xml file by adding a new section into sections pool. <? <? Step 2: Display custom section data in frontend Additional Information. How to use Section.xml file in Magento 2 – MageComp Magento Blog. With the growing use of the internet and technology, several changes & enhancement happen into design, layout, and code to provide a better & a richer experience to the users.

Also, Magento moved smartly with concepts like knockout js, AJAX other add ons that allows web applications to send and retrieve data from a server asynchronously without refreshing or reloading. This technique helps reducing server request and saves time by reloading only one portion or section of the webpage. For example, we have one extension in Magento 2 that offers Ajax login functionality and we want to restore old cart items once a user successfully login to their account. To do the same we only need to refresh a mini cart only, not the whole page. By default, Magento 2 creates a small group of data and each group has a unique name/key. To do the same, first you need to create “di.xml” at this\code\Vendor\Extension\etc\di.xml. Magento 2 : Create admin grid and form without ui component - Rohan Hapani. In this article, I will explain you how to create admin grid and form without ui component.

In Magento 2, You can create admin grid and form using ui component method and block method (layout method or without ui component). There are some modules also in Magento 2 core which admin grid and form without ui component. Magento 2 grid is a one type of table which listing collection of your database table and provides functionality of sorting, mass delete, update etc. In Magento 2, UI Components are little bit complex structure to develop UI Grid and Form.

So, sometimes people prefer to use block methods to develop form and grid in their module. You may also like this : So, Let’s start to create admin grid and form without ui component. To create admin grid and form : 1) First of all, For register your module, create registration.php file at app/code/Rh/Blog/ and paste the below code : <? Model Folder <? <? <? Etc folder Block Folder Controller Folder view folder <? <? Output : Tagged form, grid, magento2. Magento 2 : Create UI Component Grid and Form - Rohan Hapani. In this tutorial, Today I will explain you about how to create component UI grid and form in Magento 2. UI Component grid and form are most important part for admin in Magento 2. Many developers face troubles when create UI grid and form in admin. UI Component grid provides many features and user friendly for admin users. I will explain you here UI grid and form with CRUD operation like save, update, delete, massStatus, massDelete records.

You may also like this : Setup Folder 1) First of all, Create InstallSchema.php file for create database schema at app/code/RH/UiExample/Setup/ and paste the below code: etc Folder 2) Then, Create routes.xml file for set admin routes at app/code/RH/UiExample/etc/adminhtml/ and paste the below code : 3) Then, Create menu.xml file for set menu of the module at app/code/RH/UiExample/etc/adminhtml/ and paste the below code : 4) After that, Create di.xml file for define some elements for ui grid and form at app/code/RH/UiExample/etc/ and paste the below code : <? AbstractBackend::beforeSave, Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Backend PHP Code Examples - HotExamples. Thienphucvx/Magento2-Knockout-JS-Simple-Module: Magento2-Knockout-JS-Simple-Module. How to use if else in Knockout JS in Magento 2 - Rohan Hapani. In this tutorial, I will explain you how to use if else condition in knockout JS in Magento 2.

Knockout JS majorly used for checkout and UIComponent in Magento 2 and also its difficult part of Magento 2. So, If we want to if else condition base code in knockout js as like php then, we can add? Here, I will explain example with steps by steps. You may also like this : 1) First of all, Let’s assume that you have created simple module from above link of knockout js.

Way 1 : Way 2 : 2) Then, You need to update code in your app/code/RH/KnockoutExe/view/frontend/web/js/rhkojs.js js file with below code : In this file, You can see that x is observable variable and set as TRUE. Now, Just need to execute this command : php bin/magento s:up php bin/magento s:s:d -f php bin/magento c:c That’s it !!! I hope this blog is easy to understand about how to use if else condition in knockout JS in Magento 2. Keep liking and sharing. Images re-size in Magento | ASTRIO. In this article I will show how to use re-size parameters of default Magento images re-size feature. By default the re-size of the product images working in the following way: echo $this->helper('catalog/image') ->init($_product, 'small_image')->resize(135); The code generate the 135х135px image. There are a number of additional parameters that control the image output, here is a list of these parameters with default values: echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_product, 'small_image') ->constrainOnly(false) ->keepAspectRatio(true) ->keepFrame(true) ->keepTransparency(true) ->backgroundColor(array(255,255,255)) ->resize(135, 135); 1 - "Small image" parameter.

There are three types of product images in Magento: ThumbnailSmall ImageBase Image Each type have its own image, it allows to load different images for small thumbnail or for big image. 2 - "constrainOnly" parameter. 3 - "keepAspectRatio" parameter. 4 - "keepFrame" parameter. 5 - "keepTransparency" parameter. 7 - "resize" parameter. Magento 2 : Product image size and other options - Magento 2 product image size and other image options are defined in <theme_dir>/etc/view.xml. Themes located in app/design/frontend/<Vendor>/ folder.

But magento built-in themes can be located in vendor/magento/theme-frontend-<theme_code> when you install it from the composer repository. /etc/view.xml contains images configuration for all storefront product images and thumbnails. This file is required for a theme, but optional if exists in the parent theme. If your theme does not have /etc/view.xml, you can check parent theme. Parent theme is declared in <theme_dir>/theme.xml. Here is sample code from Luma theme: <theme xmlns:xsi=" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/theme.xsd"><title>Magento Luma</title><parent>Magento/blank</parent><media><preview_image>media/preview.jpg</preview_image></media></theme> Image configuration located under <images module="Magento_Catalog"> node.

Complete list of image parameters <? <? <? Get a Product Attribute in Checkout Summary | MageVision. Would you like to display another product attribute or a custom one in checkout summary? Let's see together how you can do that! In our example we will display below the product's name, the product's manufacturer. First of all we have to include the manufacturer attribute in the quote item as in not included by default. So to achieve that we have to create a file under app/code/MageVision/Blog16/etc/catalog_attributes.xml and we add the following code. As is well known, Magento 2 checkout is built up from a series of Knockout JS components which are then rendered using the Knockout JS templating system.

Magento 2 defines each one of these components and their parent / child relationship in a large XML file which can be extended or overridden in your own theme or module. Vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/layout/checkout_index_index.xml The definition of component item that is responsible for the summary item details in checkout is the following. under Till next time! Under. How to add rating in leyerd navigation in Magento 2. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. How to add rating in leyerd navigation in Magento 2 Ask Question Asked 3 years, 2 months ago Active 1 year, 5 months ago Viewed 755 times Add rating tab in layered navigation in magento 2 I want override Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer\FilterList to Vender\Modulename\Model\Layer\FilterList But it's not working Magento 2 : Rating Filter in Layered Navigation also try to above link it's working fine but how to implement in our module b'coz it's core file Can anyone give me suggestion. magento2 layered-navigation share Share a link to this question |improve this question edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:55 Community♦ asked Sep 14 '16 at 12:29 JohnJohn 76388 silver badges1919 bronze badges add a comment | 2 Answers active oldest votes in app/code/Vender/Modulename/etc/di.xml app/code/Vender/Modulename/Model/Layer/FilterList.php <?

App/code/Vender/Modulename/Model/Layer/Filter/Rating.php share share. Magento 2: How to get resize image for Custom Module? By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. Magento 2: How to get resize image for Custom Module? Ask Question Asked 3 years, 2 months ago Active 11 months ago Viewed 18k times I'm using Magento 2 CE Version 2.1.0 I have Custom Module with Image Field.

Able to upload 1 image without resize. I'm using below code for resizing image, but it's giving product image URL. \app\code\Custom\Module\Block\MyPosts\Edit.php It gives below URL My image is stored here: \magento2\pub\media\custom_module\posts\image. How can i get resize image with this path & how can i save/retrieve different size image? Magento2 image image-upload image-preview share Share a link to this question |improve this question asked Sep 2 '16 at 1:37 Ankit ShahAnkit Shah 7,8951212 gold badges8282 silver badges157157 bronze badges add a comment | <! Get Magento 2 mode programatically. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. We’re rewarding the question askers & reputations are being recalculated! Read more. Get Magento 2 mode programatically Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago Active 2 years, 3 months ago Viewed 2k times What's the best way to get the current mode Magento 2 is running with code?

In my case it's for a headless Magento, but I can see a number of cases where this might be required. magento2 magento-2.1 developer-mode production-mode share Share a link to this question |improve this question edited Dec 21 '16 at 16:17 Raphael at Digital Pianism 62.3k2222 gold badges143143 silver badges305305 bronze badges asked Dec 21 '16 at 16:13 mbalpardambalparda 7,15333 gold badges1616 silver badges4444 bronze badges add a comment | 1 Answer active oldest votes If you're referring to the deployment mode, you can do it via the CLI using: php bin/magento deploy:mode:show share Your Answer Blog. Layout - Pass data to getChildHtml() or call method on child block.

I want to be able to pass data to the getChildHtml() call. The reason is, the output of the block is dependant upon a product type. So i want to pass the product to the getChildHtml so that it can decide on the output. I am doing this inside template/checkout/cart/item/default.phtml. Ideally, the call would look like: echo $this->getChildHtml('child_block_name', $_item); Then my block can get the product type from the item and display the correct output. Since it is definitely not possible to pass this data to getChildHtml - how else can this type of behaviour be achieved without having to rewrite the core block The two solutions i currently have are as follows (neither very attractive): 1 - Create a helper and access the html output via the helper instead of letting a block and template render it ala $this->helper('my_module')->getItemHtml($_item); 2 - Access the child block and setData on it inside the template:

How to use Plugin, Preference to rewrite Block, Model, Controller, Helper in Magento 2 – Mageplaza. When you use block, model, controller, helper in Magento 2, it is not good if you modify the core files, that may have certain influence on another program. Therefore, today, I highly recommend the great way to rewrite all files in a convenient way. This is the topic to show you how to rewrite block, model, controller, helper when using plugin and preference in Magento 2.

Overview of rewriting block, model, controller, helper Method 1: Using Plugin Because of the big inconvenience, if using the preference, Plugin appears as the clever choice to rewrite block, model, controller, helper in Magento 2. App/code/Mageplaza/HelloWorld/etc/di.xml Here enable all the methods containing before, after, and around methods. Firstly, beforeGetProduct method will be active.Next, aroundGetPrduct will be active. Note: Using around method means you can insert code directly both before and after the observed function. Finally, afterGetProduct method will be active. Method 2: Using Preference. Magento 2 Get static block content | Experius Code Blog. Thienphucvx/Magento2-Knockout-JS-Simple-Module: Magento2-Knockout-JS-Simple-Module. Images re-size in Magento | ASTRIO. Magento 2 - Redirect user to specific page after register. AddAttributeToFilter Conditionals In Magento | Magento Tutorials | FishPig. Upgrade - New order email confirmation not being sent.

Building-tabbed-interface-with-magento-2-javascript-ui. Magento2 - Magento 2 how to get product attribute options on checkout cart - Magento Stack Exchange. Magento2 - Magento 2: How to defaultly open "content 2" tab? - Magento Stack Exchange. Html - call a function using requirejs. How to use Events in Knockout JS Magento 2? - Magento 2 events - Magento 2 Tutorial. Magento2 - magento 2 - Keep a product in a cart while adding it to wishlist - Magento Stack Exchange. Magento2 - Magento 2 : Update Cart summary html - Magento Stack Exchange. Magento2 - Getting the product SKU in the header mini-cart - Magento Stack Exchange. Magento2 - I want to customize my minicart in Magento 2. I need to add 3 attributes - Magento Stack Exchange. Magento2 - I want change product image on hover in magento 2 - Magento Stack Exchange. BrainTree Payment Gateway Integration With PHP - Examples. How to Get The Product Options in Magento 2 - Magento 2 Tutorial.

Magento2 - Adding an image form element to an add/edit form. Uicomponent - Magento2 ui_component - form - image file input field. Magento2 - How to change backend admin theme in Magento 2.0.7 + Get Magento Attribute Name and Value - Coding Basics. Magento2 - Events - Module Development Series - Part4 - Excellence Technologies Magento Blog | Magento Tutorials | Magento Developer. Magento2 - How to add Cookie Magento 2? Magento2 - Getting the product SKU in the header mini-cart. Magento2 – Write Custom Mysql Query (Without Using Model) Manipulate collections with Magento 2 | Maxime Huran. How does Magento 2 decide whether to display the product's Stock Status? - Development - Magento 2.

Magento2 - Magento 2: get product collection using category id. Magento all custom code: Create A Sticky Menu In Magento. Magento 2: Get Related, UpSell & CrossSell Products | Mukesh Chapagain's Blog. Add Custom “Sort By” Drop Down menu options In Magento | Magento For Fresher. Sort products by sold quantity in Magento. Back Button On Product Detail Page In Magento. Listing out products on sale in Magento. Magento observer examples | Codexpedia. Testing ebizmarts Magento Abandoned Cart Module | David Boyce. Resizing images in Magento | Atwix. Magento Admin Module Development - Advanced Grid Functions. Create a custom module with a custom database table - Magento 1.x Wiki - Magento Wiki. Magento 1.8 - "Save and Continue Edit" button is not working properly.

Custom module – What does _init() do and how to use it? | Magento custom development and freelance programming. Magento Grid Serializer | Add Grid to Admin Form Tab. Magento custom module with custom database table admin page. Magento: How to get controller, module, action and router name? | Mukesh Chapagain's Blog. How to enable multiple currencies in Magento, and print it on header. Replace Magento language selector with flags | Atwix. Displaying New Products in Magento With Pagination. [top link] Adding Custom Links with local.xml. Tạo Featured product trong Magento | Cộng đồng Magento Tiếng Việt, Magento extension, magento training, magento template, Thiết kế web Magento.