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3D Model Download,Free 3D Models Download. Timers Tutorial. Table of Contents Introduction The goal of this article is to show the practical use of different kinds of timers. First, we will see how to use the "standard" Win32 timers, then switch to multimedia timers, mention waitable timers and queue timers. I will try to make some general comparison between these solutions. So called high-resolution timer based on functions QueryPerformanceFrequency and QueryPerformanceCounter will not be taken into account because it can be used only to measure time intervals, and not to fire events in regular time intervals. According to MSDN, An application uses a timer to schedule an event for a window after a specified time has elapsed. Timers are a useful feature offered to programmers by the OS.

It is important to understand that the accuracy of timers is limited. Standard Win32 Timers When the term timer is used, it is almost always referred to this kind of timer. How do Win32 timers work? To create a timer, we will use a Win32 function: Arguments Arguments. Stepping The World - Physics Simulation Wiki. From Physics Simulation Wiki What do the parameters to btDynamicsWorld::stepSimulation mean?

Here's the prototype: btDynamicsWorld::stepSimulation( btScalar timeStep, int maxSubSteps=1, btScalar fixedTimeStep=btScalar(1.) /btScalar(60. The first parameter is the easy one. Bullet maintains an internal clock, in order to keep the actual length of ticks constant. The second parameter is the maximum number of steps that Bullet is allowed to take each time you call it. How do I use this? It's important that timeStep is always less than maxSubSteps*fixedTimeStep, otherwise you are losing time. TimeStep < maxSubSteps * fixedTimeStep When you are calculating what figures you need for your game, start by picking the maximum and minimum framerates you expect to see.

At 120fps, the timeStep I'm passing will be roughly 1/120th of a second, or 0.0083. At 12fps, the timeStep will be roughly 1/12th of a second, or 0.083. My call to btDynamicsWorld::stepSimulation here would therefore be Units. Why game trailers are sometimes more thrilling than the games themselves. Like thousands of others, I was incredibly impressed with this fake, animated trailer for an imaginary, Wind Waker-inspired Legend of Zelda game. The short video manages to capture the series' feeling of epic adventure and thrilling action in an entirely new and exciting way.

Yet the more I watched the trailer and really thought about how it would translate to an actual game experience, the more I realized that this is just another example of a passive film doing things in a way that would be difficult or impossible to pull off in an interactive game. Many of the most thrilling scenes in this trailer come at camera angles that would be frustrating or just plain unworkable for an actual interactive game. Take the spider chase that starts about 21 seconds into the trailer.

For a good second or two, Link is actually off screen, continuing to run as the camera stays put so the trailer can show a spider chasing him. As a non-interactive cut scene, this works great. Fix Your Timestep! Introduction Hello, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to the second article in my series on Game Physics. In the previous article we discussed how to integrate the equations of motion using an RK4 integrator. Integration sounds complicated but really it’s just a way to advance the your physics simulation forward by some small amount of time called “delta time” (or dt for short).

But how to choose this delta time value? This may seem like a trivial subject but in fact there are many different ways to do it, each with their own strengths and weaknesses – so read on! Fixed delta time The simplest way to step forward is with a fixed delta time, like 1/60th of a second: double t = 0.0; double dt = 1.0 / 60.0; while ( ! In many ways this code is ideal. But in the real world you may not know the display refresh rate ahead of time, VSYNC could be turned off, or perhaps you could be running on a slow computer which cannot update and render your frame fast enough to present it at 60fps.

Variable delta time. Using Multimedia Timers.