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GWT Wrappers On Arc ESRI

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Gwt-gis - A customizable GWT GIS client based on the gwt-esri library. Overview This project provides the GisClient class which can be easily used to create custom web gis applications using GWT.

gwt-gis - A customizable GWT GIS client based on the gwt-esri library.

Once created and deployed the application has support for client side (post compile) configurations as well. These include layers to be added, layer configurations, map center/zoom level, application description, desired geocoder (for search) and more. Please see the wiki for implementation and configuration details. Online. JavaScript API. JavaScript API Reference. Gwt-esri - Allows full access of the ESRI JavaScript API in GWT. UPDATE 4/9/2013 I have started a fork to make this library work with the 3.4 api.

gwt-esri - Allows full access of the ESRI JavaScript API in GWT.

You can see the new project on github ESRI offers a RESTful interface and associated Javascript library API to access geographical information available via an ArcGIS Server. This library allows access to this API via GWT. Check out the wiki for more info Here are the 0.9 Javadocs. Example Gwt-Gis project. Lukefx/EsriGwt.