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Ganesh Paul

Ganesh Paul is a Webmaster.

6 SEO Trends to Rank Your Website Higher in 2020

Blockchain Digital Marketing for Your Business. Conducting a competitor analysis to Improve Search Engine Ranking. Instagram Marketing Strategy for the Success of Online Business. Facebook Advertising agency for the Growth and Success of Your Business. 11 Great Tips to Successfully Optimise Your Video Content. First, let’s get some facts cleared up; YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google.

11 Great Tips to Successfully Optimise Your Video Content

Video content is simply,and will be an indispensable part of content marketing at the moment and for the future. If you are not including video marketing in your content marketing strategy, then you’re missing out on everything. According to SEO strategists in the UK, video is one of the most powerful ways to distribute a message. Video content invariably proves effective and efficient provided it is correctly promoted, point out digital marketers associated with an SEO agency in the UK. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss some tried and tested tips to optimise videos for organic searches.

Choose a topic carefully: Your videos should contain something that the target audience will want to see. You should also host the video content on your site. Smart SEO Tips to Rank Your Website in Google. Are you an entrepreneur and hoping for good SEO rankings?

Smart SEO Tips to Rank Your Website in Google

Well, businessmen actually need to create their own checklist in order to ensure that everything goes perfect for the next post. With SEO checklist, you can be assured that the blogpost will enable you to boost ranking of website in search results. Check out some SEO tips to rank better in Google. Write popular or sharable content: You need to stay updated with the latest topics or news and gather sufficient information about them before writing the blogpost. Whatever points you jot down should be informative that will draw interest of readers towards the content. Homepage title should be optimised: You should know the limitations of homepage title or heading. 3 Basics to Turn Your WordPress Blog Site into a Machine to Drive Users.

Top 5 Google Ranking Strategies from Topnotch SEO Agency. Securing a page-one ranking on Google is becoming increasingly challenging.

Top 5 Google Ranking Strategies from Topnotch SEO Agency

In this fiercely competitive environment, search engine marketers in London are emphasising on 5 strategies to push small businesses up the SERP. Read on to know more about the latest SEO trend. Make your site responsive to reach out to mobile users The number of mobile Internet users is steadily rising. In this circumstance, Google prioritises mobile version of websites over desktop version. Publish quality Contents Google prefers quality content. It helps increasing your brand’s awareness.Boosts your click-through rates.Helps your pages rank higher on SERPs.Earns you social shares and last but never the least.Generate your leads. 9 Smart Ways to Optimize Your Online Business in the Year 2018. It is important to know about the current marketing trends for attaining success in your online business.

9 Smart Ways to Optimize Your Online Business in the Year 2018

These are some ways to optimise online business in 2018. Are you aware of the latest marketing trends for online businesses in 2018? Well, today’s competitive market means you can fall behind your competitors anytime even without realizing it if you fail to follow the norms of the industry. The next important thing you want to know when doing SEO for small business is that your business is not heading ahead yogur competitors. You really do not want that, right? The Best 2019 SEO Tips to Boost Google Ranking for Your Brand. Posted on: May 29, 2019 6 min read Google is still the Numero Uno traffic source for any blog or website.

The Best 2019 SEO Tips to Boost Google Ranking for Your Brand

The question is why? There are many relevant traffic sources but Google is considered as the best. What does Google have to say about SEO in 2019? Posted on: Jun 09, 2019 7 min read Have you heard the phrase- “Slow and steady wins the race”?

What does Google have to say about SEO in 2019?

Trust me! SEO is somewhat based on this phrase. Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, requires constant effort. SEO takes time and requires updated changes made in the targeted search engines. Lead Generation: A Complete Guide to Generate Business Leads Online. Posted on: Jun 17, 2019 9 min read The phrase "Lead generation" or "Lead" is not too much of a strange word.

Lead Generation: A Complete Guide to Generate Business Leads Online

It's quite enlightening that some marketers believe that lead generation is quite easy. But what can we say for others who may not find it so easy? Marketers are well acquainted with this activity (it's what they do anyway). It's a simple project that entails employing great efforts to get results in your lead generation. A good number of marketers can provide reasons for this as a few factors like funding, staff network and others can be disheartening and cause failure in lead generation.

Online Marketing Strategy for Fertility Clinics. Posted on: Jul 01, 2019 9 min read Uncertain, emotional or intimate, fertility these days is a very important matter.

Online Marketing Strategy for Fertility Clinics

Certainly, naming a business after fertility doesn’t feel right and can feel unethical, however, medical services need to exist, therefore, there is no shame in establishing a clinic around fertility issues. The purpose of marketing for fertility clinics is more than profits. It is an investment done to reach out masses and help them with this dynamic and humble cause. You need to understand which marketing channel will be ideal for you and for that, let's check out the most suitable channels that will help you do wonders within your field. The Need of Artificial Intelligence for SEO Success in 2019. Posted on: Jul 31, 2019 9 min read In today’s world, artificial intelligence or AI is one of the biggest trends in the digital marketing industry.

The Need of Artificial Intelligence for SEO Success in 2019

Previously, AI was related to machinery, robots and complicated science, however, it has become an extremely familiar practice in this day and age. Whether it is just a self-check-out line at the grocery store to reading through recommendations on Amazon before purchasing any product, AI has evolved a lot and whether you notice it or not, it is everywhere. Impact of AI on Search Engine Optimisation. 5 Crucial Reasons Your Website should be HTTPS. Posted on: Aug 14, 2019 6 min read When it is about your website, security plays a very important factor in its overall success.

5 Crucial Reasons Your Website should be HTTPS

Did you know that almost 85 percent of consumers would not make a purchase in case their data is put at risk due to unsecured connection? Additionally, 82 percent of online users will not browse unsecured websites according to recent research.According to the professionals of London based highly demanding IT support company, you can protect yourself as well as your consumers by making your website HTTPS. This blog will discuss HTTPS and what it actually means for small business. SEO Best Practices 2019. Posted on: Sep 03, 2019 11 min read Unlike 10 years ago, when generating online business was – let’s say, practically a lot easier than now, in today’s day and age, in order to be successful online, you must have everything spot on not only to beat your competition but to comply with a lot of new algorithms and ‘white-hat’ practices. If you have ever done SEO, you would probably know that one of the most frustrating things is getting everything to work together in motion in order to generate you the most results.

Especially in 2019, a lot of elements must come together in order for your SEO to work. SEO is perhaps one of the most complex segments of digital marketing that many, many businesses around the world are struggling with or are not even bothering with to begin with due to its complexity and lack of immediate reward. So, what is a meta title tag? 5 Indications of a Bad SEO or Digital Marketing Agency. Posted on: Sep 11, 2019 5 min read Is your SEO Agency or digital marketing agency dishonest? Are they only interested in taking money from you?

When it is about making vital decisions for your business, it is important to contact a reputed digital marketing agency that can work alongside you and your business goals. In this blog, we will discuss the five signs that you are with a bad agency. Best SEO Tips 2019 to Boost Google Ranking for Your Brand. Posted on: Sep 19, 2019 6 min read Google is still the Numero Uno traffic source for any blog or website. The question is why? There are many relevant traffic sources but Google is considered as the best. Search engine optimisers from DubSEO – a reliable SEO services company in London – will explain the reasons behind the question. When you manage to get on the first-page of the Google organic search result, the number of visitors for your blog or website will go up dramatically. The Importance to Rethink about Measuring the Success of SEO. Posted on: Sep 29, 2019 7 min read In today’s world, SEO plays a crucial role regardless if you are building a billion-dollar business or own a local retail shop.

By using SEO campaigns, your business/brand and its digital presence will prevail, meaning that you will draw the interest of more users online. As more businesses are paying attention to SEO now than before, the metrics with which we measure the performance of SEO can be outdated and misleading depending on the case. When it is about SEO, you must be extremely careful when measuring its success. 7 Effective Tips to Optimise Crawl Budget for SEO.

Posted on: Oct 11, 2019 6 min read An important concept of SEO that usually goes unnoticed is crawl budget. There are various tasks as well as issues an SEO expert should take into consideration so that the website can be optimised properly. In this blog, we will go through the concept of crawl budget and provide you with 7 great tips that will help you inoptimising your crawl budget for your websites’ SEO. 18 Easy to Use Social Proof for Improving Your Search Results. Posted on: Oct 19, 2019 9 min read Having social proof is one of the most important aspects of establishing and maintaining a successful marketing campaign. There are 6 kinds of social proof and these include the following: Marketing Tactics to Boost Limo Business Online in London. Digital Marketers Influence Schemas for Voice Search and SEO. Ongoing Education can be Your Secret for SEO Success.

Posted on: Nov 21, 2019 10 min read The biggest search engine, Google will not tell how search algorithms work exactly and so, the answer you get in SEO is, ‘it depends.” 11 Great Tips to Successfully Optimise Your Video Content. Social Media Marketing For Small Businesses. If your business is not yet on social media, then the train might already be leaving you behind. Today, social media is a key part of business growth irrespective of the size of the business. Thanks to social media, there are several platforms that businesses can use to advertise and reach a wider potential customer number, and at the same time, build a relationship with their audience. By following the right guide and with the right social media management packages, one can become highly successful in the online market in a short while.

This is why we have created this super-competitive guide, containing dos and don’ts, and numerous effective strategies. The Ultimate Guide in Selecting an E-commerce SEO Company. We desire to help you grow your e-commerce brand, and this is exactly why we have written this blog post; to enlighten you on the necessary things to consider before you hire an agency for e-commerce development London. What Are The Functions Of An SEO Agencies? Agencies, in every sphere, are basically just managements, characterized by consultants with unique skills for hire. Their inherent value is lodged solidly within the cumulative experience and expertise gathered over the years spent working with different sites in several distinct industries. This gives them the ability to pick out highly successful SEO practices under site conditions. High-performing SEO programs are driven by SEO agencies with proven and practical procedures fashioned out through the expertise of consultants.

What You Need To Know About Setting Up An SEO Agency. 5 important things your local SEO services agency can do for you. 10 Must-Know Things When Hiring A Local SEO Agency. 11 Necessary Functions of an SEO Agency. A lot of people get less from the SEO agencies they hire because they do not know what they are responsible for. Generally, the duty of your SEO agency London largely depends on the scope of the contract. 17 Benefits of SEO. 12 Reasons SEO is Right For Your Business. A Guide On SEO Best Practices For E-Commerce. Ecommerce SEO Tips To Help Boost Your Store Traffic. Healthcare: Five SEO Techniques Crucial For High Ranking in The Future. Importance Of SEO To Websites And Businesses. Factors To Consider Before Hiring That SEO Company. SEO Companies And How They Work. Generating Back Links and Their Importance in Your Business.

#3 Commonest Myths About Social Media Businesses Should Overcome. Top 3 Ongoing Designing Trends for August 2018. Which are the top SEO agencies in London? Merits and Demerits of Choosing Magento Plateform. Focus On Local SEO To Avoid Missing Opportunities For Your Dental Practice. How Digital Agencies Can Cope and Succeed in the future beyond 2020. How to Enhance Your SEO Agency. How To Identify An SEO Agency That Is Performance Oriented. Impact Of Covid-19 On The Forex Market In 2020.

Is Your E-commerce Business Prepared For Sales Spike? Social Media Marketing For Small Businesses - WikiFeedz. The Forgotten Marketing Strategy That Still Works For Dentists. The Ultimate Guide in Selecting an E-commerce SEO Company. What Are The Functions Of An SEO Agencies? What You Need To Know About Setting Up An SEO Agency - Dying Villages. 5 Indications of a Bad SEO or Digital Marketing Agency. Best SEO Tips 2019 to Boost Google Ranking for Your Brand. Optimising Title Tags – SEO Best Practices 2019.

5 Crucial Reasons Your Website should be HTTPS. The Need of Artificial Intelligence for SEO Success in 2019. Online Marketing Strategy for Fertility Clinics. Lead Generation: A Complete Guide to Generate Business Leads Online. What does Google have to say about SEO in 2019? The Best 2019 SEO Tips to Boost Google Ranking for Your Brand. 5 Effective Online Marketing Strategies for the Law Firms. 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Influencer Marketing. 8 Ways to Improve Customer Experience in 2019 to the Next Level. Best 3 Ways To Market Your Medical Practice For 2018. Estate Agents Marketing Ideas for 2018 - DubSEO.

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for an Explainer Video. Importance of Instagram highlights for Businesses. Five Powerful Marketing Ideas for your Legal Firm from DubSEO. 7 Vital Factors to Consider Before Overhauling Websites. Ultimate Guide: How to Promote Your Business. All You Need to Know about the Future of Email Marketing in 2019. LinkedIn Adds Voice Messaging to Simplify Business Communication. 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Influencer Marketing. Focus On Local SEO To Avoid Missing Opportunities For Your Dental Practice. Impact Of Covid-19 On The Forex Market In 2020. The Ultimate Guide in Selecting an E-commerce SEO Company. What Are The Functions Of An SEO Agencies? What You Need To Know About Setting Up An SEO Agency. 5 Effective Online Marketing Strategies for the Law Firms. The Best 2019 SEO Tips to Boost Google Ranking for Your Brand.

What does Google have to say about SEO in 2019? #5 Common Factors that Stop Websites from Getting Customers. Driving Your Local Business to Greater Heights. #5 Top Reasons Why Your Pages are Decreasing from Google Index. Topnotch SEO Agency Shares Free Cutting. Importance of Competitive Analysis in Driving Your Business to Greater Success. Can an Automatic Reload Script have any Affect on the SEO? Botox Clinic Marketing Ideas to Boost Online Presence among Patients. 3 SEO Trends to Remain on Top Of Search Results in 2020. 3 SEO Trends to Remain on Top Of Search Results in 2020.

2020 Guide to SEO for Healthcare Marketing Sector in London. 24 SEO Tips and Advice to Boost Your Site Traffic in 2020. How to Search for a Reliable SEO Agency for Your Business. 10 Great Tips for Attractive Healthcare Web Design.