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UI Fundamentals for Programmers by Ryan Singer. Planning And Implementing Website Navigation. Advertisement The thing that makes navigation difficult to work with in Web design is that it can be so versatile. Navigation can be simple or complex: a few main pages or a multi-level architecture; one set of content for logged-in users and another for logged-out users; and so on. Because navigation can vary so much between websites, there are no set guidelines or how-to’s for organizing navigation. Designing navigation is an art in itself, and designers become better at it with experience.

It’s all about using good information architecture: “the art of expressing a model or concept of information used in activities that require explicit details of complex systems.” Organizing Navigation Structure Perhaps the most difficult part about navigation on the Web is organizing and designing it. Primary vs. Most websites, especially those with a lot of content or functionality, need navigation menus. 1SpeckyBoy2 Primary navigation stands for the content that most users are interested in. CSS-Tricks.

My (Simple) Workflow To Design And Develop A Portfolio Website. Style Injection is for Winners. By "style injection", I mean being able to see styling changes immediately after authoring them without having to manually refresh your browser window. This isn't a brand new concept, I just mention it now because it's so awesome that if it's not a part of your workflow you should consider updating yours to include it.

The Past For a long time, Dreamweaver had the ability to show you a live preview of what you were building. CSS Edit also had a thing like that. Now that is built into Espresso and at a quick glance I saw it still does previews but not split pane editable previews. But they used some built-in WebKit thing to do it, running who knows exactly what version. No offense if you use and these editors or working this way, it's just not for me. New Style The first to come along that I knew of was LiveReload. The name "LiveReload" implies that it reloads the page for you, which is true when you change HTML or JavaScript. Why is Style Injection cool? Here's an example of that: Share On.

Review Of Cross-Browser Testing Tools. 10 Helpful Resources for Cross Browser Testing. Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now Every web designer knows that browser differences can create plenty of headaches. Finding and fixing problems can be difficult if you’re not equipped with the right tools. In this post we’ll take a brief look at 10 of the leading resources for making your browser testing less time consuming and more productive. Browsershots Browsershots is a popular free service that will provide screen shots of a page from just about any browser from all of the common operating systems. There is a paid option that will give you priority over the free requests. BrowserCam BrowserCam provides several different services for browser testing.

BroswerCam is a paid service with options for daily, monthly, or yearly. NetMechanic Browser Photo Brower Photo from NetMechanic is a paid service that will allow you to test different versions of Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox and Safari on Windows, Mac and Linux. Litmus IE NetRenderer BrowserCamp ieCapture iPhoney. Q: "How much does an app cost?" A: "About as much as a car." Chris Coyier: A Modern Web Designer's Workflow. How to Design Responsively. This guest post about responsive design comes from Krasimir Tsonev! Introduction In this article I want to share my thoughts regarding responsive design. I made several talks on this subject and this post is some kind of summary.

The article presents concepts like mobile first and design in the browser. What is responsive web design Scott Kellum said something which I think describes the responsive design perfectly: Responsive web design isn’t your site working on phones and tablets. Nowadays there are dozen of mobile devices, a lot of different resolutions and still several browsers. The tools Like every new thing, responsive design is not something that you can jump in for just a hour. In general there are three instruments which we can use to achieve responsiveness: Why we should care about the responsiveness I don't think that I have to convince you to make your site/application responsive. The main function of the Web is to deliver information to the users. Actually the answer is no. CSS-Tricks. How to Design Responsively. The Designers are Coming! - Glenn Gillen - Aloha Ruby Conf 2012.