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Everthing 3D

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Using 3D Printing to create small business. Mar.8, 2012 Alex Hornstein and Bilal Ghalib made their way across the US with four DIY 3D printers in the trunk of their Prius.

Using 3D Printing to create small business

They started the Pocket Factory project aiming to start a business of designing, producing and selling products made with low-cost 3D printers. They design, test and produce something within a day or two, and then sell it at a relatively low cost. It's now possible for anyone with an idea to create tangible items from 3D printers, from iPhone case, toys, jewelry to nearly anything. 3D printing is becoming affordable for individuals - engineers, innovators, designers, jewelers, artists, doctors - anyone who wants to get a new design out, 3D printing is the way to do it. 4DDynamics: Developer of 3d algorythms for the aquisition of 3d data.

3D Scanning

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