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Social Networking Growth Stats and Patterns. Yesterday, a comScore Report was released detailing usage stats that highlight the continued rise in the importance of social networking on the web.

Social Networking Growth Stats and Patterns

In this post, I'd like to use data from 900+ social networking sites on Amzini to dive further into the distribution and drivers of the continued surge in social media growth. First, a few highlights from the comScore report: Social networking accounts for 1 of every 6 minutes spent online As Facebook reaches market capacity (reaching 157.2 million visitors and 73% of the total U.S.


Facebook. Likes & Social Plugins Help Websites. Earlier this month, I wrote about how the promise of Facebook traffic has enticed millions of sites to use Facebook Like buttons and other Facebook social plugins.

Likes & Social Plugins Help Websites

But does following Facebook’s socialist agenda really pay off? How about some numbers, courtesy of Facebook? Facebook provided me with the figures below from when I was working on my earlier article, Has Facebook Become The Master Key To Unlocking The Web? Since the figures are from Facebook, you do have to take them with a grain of salt. The Geosocial Universe In 2011. Thanks to Jesse Thomas of interactive design agency JESS3, we now have an updated look at the structure of the geosocial universe as it exists in anno domini 2011.

The Geosocial Universe In 2011

It wasn’t so long ago that the International Astronomical Union booted Pluto out of the solar system or that MySpace was overtaking Yahoo! And Google as the most-visited site in the U.S. Well, a few rotations around the sun later, and the overall shape of the geosocial universe has changed dramatically. New stars have been born and others have been scattered out across the cold recesses of Internet space.

Today, Myspace is sputtering, Skype is part of the Microsoft solar system, and LinkedIn is being traded publicly. Chiffres animés sur les médias sociaux.