Dietician Ashu Gupta
10 Myths and Facts About Holiday Weight Gain- Dietician Ashu Gupta. As the holidays get closer our conventional wisdom starts preparing from the break.
Break from early morning alarms, hectic work schedule and also from exercises and diet. It almost becomes impossible to say no to those pancakes and beautiful cupcakes. Due to all these enticements holidays are associated with weight gain. Dietician Ashu Gupta is a reputed nutritionist and Expert Dietician in Gurgaon. Having worked in different domains she has acquired a rich and diverse experience in the field of nutrition. 1.
Many people believe that gaining five to ten pounds gain is normal during holidays which is far more than reality. 2. Holiday food is loaded with carb and sodium content. 3. Most people think that increasing the number of gym hours. Does eating fast make you gain weight? Posted by Dtashugupta on November 8th, 2019 In this fast-paced world, people are bound to eat more fast foods that too in a fast manner.
Especially during morning hours, breakfast is eaten hurriedly and mindlessly. You may never know the fact that this fast eating can slowly make your body to gain more fat and hurts your heart right away. However, your body's satiety is not fulfilled through fast eating, and you may still starve and crave to eat more.
Scientifically it has been proven that slow eating and the act of chewing and mastication along with some hormones and receptors in your stomach signals the brain that you are not going to starve. How is fast eating linked to obesity? It has been proved in a study that people who intake food more quickly weight more than those who eat slowly. Fast eating and other health problems How can you slow down your eating? Top Searches - Trending Searches - New Articles - Top Articles - Trending Articles - Featured Articles - Top Members.
Eat from a Plate than a Pill - Best Dietitian & Nutritionists in Gurgaon Delhi NCR India. Health is wealth.
This clichéd age-old saying still holds good and even more so in today’s era. As they say, ‘a healthy diet is a solution to many of our health-care problems.’ The secret of good health is hidden in your plate. But, while the streets and restaurants around us are being flooded with fast, unhealthy food, staying fit is a big challenge. To stay fit, we need healthy food. Eat local food Eat food that is locally grown, and soon after it is picked. Pair different foods Pair food in such a way that it maximizes nutrient absorption. Understand your body needs It is important to know what sort of micronutrients and macronutrients that your body needs. Say no to processed food and alcohol Processed foods are poor in nutrients, and sugary food can rob the body of valuable nutrients. Add variety in your meal To get a wide range of nutrients, consider including various leafy and colorful foods in your meal.
Include fats with every meal Reduce your stress levels Keep yourself hydrated. Reduce Cholestrol By Healthy Diet. Although your body needs some cholesterol to perform its function properly, however a higher concentration in the blood is always dangerous.
The cholesterol is considered as a waxy substance produced in the liver when you intake animal products such as meat, eggs, or dairy products. The cholesterol always puts you at risk of heart diseases. So you need to have good control over your cholesterol level in the blood. In this blog, we have provided insights on how to manage your cholesterol with the best diet. Types of Cholesterol and their treatment While there are two types of cholesterol. Another type is bad cholesterol, also known as LDL(Low-Density Lipoproteins). High cholesterol is treated through effective medications and healthy lifestyle changes. Lowering cholesterol with diet Planning and changing your diet to reduce the cholesterol level is the best lifestyle change that you could make. Limiting foods with cholesterol Choosing healthier fats Intaking plenty of soluble fiber. 20 Effective Tips to Lose Weight After Pregnancy - Best Dietitian & Nutritionists in Gurgaon Delhi NCR India.
A mother confidently wields her superhuman ability to be everything for her child.
With a knack for adapting, she goes from a teacher to a comforter to a selfless giver. The joy of motherhood is incomparable, but, it comes with a bitter fact that a woman undergoes various unfavorable health changes. The main concern which almost every woman out of three has is about the baby weight gain caused post-pregnancy. Taking care of a newborn, adaptation to a new routine and recovery after the birth of a child can be stressful. Excess weight gain can result in fat accumulation commonly known as “baby weight” which may lead to adverse consequences like: Overweight problemsIncreased risk of diabetes and cardiac diseasesGreater chances of complications in later pregnanciesHigher health risk along with gestational diabetes Here’s a list of 20 useful post-pregnancy weight loss tips: