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What is AT?

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History of Assistive Technology timeline. AT_solutions-may2012. Illinois Assistive Technology Guidance Manual. MT_AssistiveTechGuide_378K.pdf. Assistive technology for kids with learning disabilities: An overview - Assistive technology. By Marshall Raskind, Ph.D. , Kristin Stanberry Assistive technology (AT) is available to help individuals with many types of disabilities — from cognitive problems to physical impairment. This article will focus specifically on AT for individuals with learning disabilities (LD). The use of technology to enhance learning is an effective approach for many children. Additionally, students with LD often experience greater success when they are allowed to use their abilities (strengths) to work around their disabilities (challenges).

This article will introduce parents to the role of AT in helping their children with LD. What is assistive technology for LD? AT for kids with LD is defined as any device, piece of equipment or system that helps bypass, work around or compensate for an individual's specific learning deficits. In general, AT compensates for a student's skills deficits or area(s) of disability. AT can increase a child's self-reliance and sense of independence. Your child's profile.