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The general concepts are the same, but the project files have been substantially refined. To prevent confusion about which files to use, I have removed the original project files and replaced them with the updated version. Sorry for any inconvenience, and you’re welcome! Here’s a quick tutorial for adding basic SCORM functionality to an existing Flash file. In this tutorial, we’re going to keep things very simple; our SCORM code will only check the LMS for a prior completion, and if no completion is found, will set the course to complete at the appropriate point in the movie. Here are the work files (ZIP, approx 615KB) if you’d like to add the code yourself while reading the tutorial. Important note: This tutorial uses ActionScript 3 and SCORM 1.2, but the same principles apply for ActionScript 2 and SCORM 2004 The steps: Wrap-up. Web Development Toolbox 120+ Web Development Resources.url. As rewarding as web development is, it can also be a pain sometimes, especially if you spend half your time looking for the right tools and resources.

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