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Earth Science Resources

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New Page 1. Earth Science, 11e. Animations. Each series of animations below contains text, graphics, animations, and videos to help teach Earth Science fundamentals. Click links or scroll down to view the available animations. Check out our Earth Science Videos pages. Animations Hazards Orphan tsunami How will 3 buildings, engineered equally, on different bedrock react to an earthquake?

Plate Tectonics Tectonics & earthquakes of Alaska—More than just plate boundaries NEW! GPS - Understanding Future Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest Solomon Islands Regional Tectonics Gulf of California tectonics Sumatran Tectonics What is a hotspot? How do Earth's tectonic plates interact? Do subducting plates slide smoothly past one another?

How is stress stored between tectonic plates? Do faults break all at once, or in many short segments? What are the 4 basic classes of faults? What happens when the crust is stretched? GPS -- Measuring Plate Motion Earth Structure Stratigraphy Same earthquake, different stations; why do the seismograms look different? Volcanoes. Earth Science - Activities/Labs. Earth Science Resources.