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Sahara occidental : une plaie toujours ouverte. La conférence internationale d’Alger rassemble les indépendantistes sahraouis et leurs partisans. Plusieurs centaines de personnes, militants, représentants du Front Polisario, officiels algériens, sympathisants venus des quatre coins du monde, participaient à une conférence, ce week-end à Alger, à l’invitation du Comité national algérien de solidarité avec le peuple sahraoui (CNASPS), sur le thème du droit des peuples à la résistance. Une rencontre qui mettait en lumière le conflit peu médiatisé qui oppose, depuis 35 ans, les indépendantistes sahraouis au Maroc. « L’indépendance sahraouie est irrévocable ! Martyr, tu peux reposer en paix, le combat continue », s’exclame Maherez Lamari, le président du Comité national algérien de solidarité avec le peuple sahraoui (CNASPS), organisateur de la conférence.

Dans la salle de l’hôtel algérois où sont rassemblées quelque 400 personnes acquises à la cause indépendantiste, des applaudissements et des youyous s’élèvent. O.T. Ese Okiti. Dan Gertler: At it Again? Israeli diamond tycoon Dan Gertler appears to be working his magic again. Various sources have reported his involvement in Caprikat, a British Virgin Island registered company that was reported to have taken oil blocks 1 and 2 in Lake Albert. At the same time, he is reportedly behind Highwinds, another British Virgin Islands based company, that is reportedly taking over the lucrative KolweziTailings copper & cobalt concession that is being expropriated from Canadian company First Quantum.

Neither company has any reported expertise in mining or oil drilling. They both appear to be newly-founded companies. In both cases, Gertler's alleged companies have stepped in to take over concessions whose worth is well-known and that are being claimed by other parties. In the case of Kolwezi, First Quantum says it has already sunk $700 million in the project, whose rich mineral deposits are well-known. Gertler's success has been closely linked to his warm relations with the presidency. Scorecard.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Africa: Giving the Millennium Development Goals a Human Face. New York — Ahead of the United Nations Millennium Development Summit to be held in New York later this month, the UN Foundation and its partners have ramped up efforts to educate the media about progress that has been made on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) thus far and what still needs to be done before the 2015 target date for achieving them.

The MDGs, adopted in 2001, are the most broadly supported, comprehensive and specific development goals the world has ever agreed upon. At a press fellowship hosted by the UN Foundation, sponsored in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, journalists from various global media organizations, including, were brought together on September 7-9 to talk about the MDGs with a wide range of policymakers and presenters.

The MDG framework is aimed at avoiding "false" choices between often competing development programs. At a more macro level Ambassador Frederick D. Séminaire sur le financement du secteur privé en octobre prochain à Libreville. Afrique: terre de toutes les convoitises, Plus de 50.000 nouvelles infections enregistrées en 2010 | Le Messager – Quotidien d'informations et de debats au Cameroun. Les transferts financiers des Maliens de l’extérieur estimés à 426 millions d’euros par an. La Sierra Leone devrait doubler ses bénéfices sur les ventes de diamants.