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The Best Twitter Tools and Twitter Apps - oneforty. Tomorrow Twitter Will Release New Tool For Embedding Tweets. A Twitter Decision. In starting a significant project, an engineer knows the first three big design decisions you make are vastly more important than the second three. The nature of these decisions varies from project to project. They may be choices about look and feel, rules about architecture, or trade offs regarding feature set. Whatever these decisions are, they set a tone that defines the success of the project. When I look at Twitter, I see three early essential decisions about how Twitter allows you to craft a community. I believe much of Twitter’s continued success is due to definition and execution of these decisions.

Interestingly, some obvious candidates for the Top 3, like “Scales like crazy”, “Will generate money”, and “Needs to be searchable” weren’t initially there. The decisions were: Decision #1: A user chooses whom they follow.Decision #2: A user chooses whom they no longer follow.Decision #3: A user should be judged only by what they say. These are simple decisions of empowerment. Twitter Apps. Progressives Seize 2.0 Meme on Twitter. Progressive activists on Twitter have begun organically taking over the 2.0 meme for hashtags. The pattern is growing and appears well on its way to going viral. What is a meme? According to Wikipedia : “ The term 2.0 is closely associated with Tim O’Reilly because of the O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004. The feminism movement seems to have been behind the origins of the 2.0 meme on Twitter with the use of the hashtag ( feminism 2.0 ).

From here, the 2.0 idea spread to general political progressivism with the hashtag. Soon after this, (government 2.0) was started, probably by @ opengovnews . Over the last few months, an increasing number of progressively themed hashtags have been catching onto the 2.0 meme. Here is a list of the current progressive causes using the 2.0 meme: {*style:<i>#c2c – healthy and green lifestyles #cfr2 – campaign finance reform (#CFR is Council on Foreign Relations) #co2 – climate change (atomic symbol for carbon dioxide) by @ 3fatcats. New App Color-Codes and Filters Your Tweets. Mashable’s Spark of Genius series highlights a unique feature of startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, see details here. The series is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark.

Name: Twimbow Quick Pitch: Twimbow is a colorful, web-based Twitter client with a focus on filtering. Genius Idea: This app embraces the concept that, for some of us, Twitter is the new e-mail. At first glance, the interface will remind you of Tweetdeck and Seesmic Web so much that it'll make your head hurt. The feature sets are almost identical, with both Seesmic and Tweetdeck having the relative advantages of age, stability and a generally more thorough toolbelt for users, including multiple apps and multiple accounts. (Note: While Tweetdeck doesn't yet have a web-based client, we saw them demo one at Google I/O.) In future iterations, you'll be able to track and color-code keywords, too, making Twimbow an interesting and viable option for brand managers and social media marketers.