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Big Data

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How Companies Learn Your Secrets. Pole has a master’s degree in statistics and another in economics, and has been obsessed with the intersection of data and human behavior most of his life. His parents were teachers in North Dakota, and while other kids were going to 4-H, Pole was doing algebra and writing computer programs. “The stereotype of a math nerd is true,” he told me when I spoke with him last year. “I kind of like going out and evangelizing analytics.” As the marketers explained to Pole — and as Pole later explained to me, back when we were still speaking and before Target told him to stop — new parents are a retailer’s holy grail. Most shoppers don’t buy everything they need at one store.

Nick Lim's Blog - Big data and games - part 1 - why ask why. The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community.

Nick Lim's Blog - Big data and games - part 1 - why ask why

The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company. There has been quite a lot of hype around big data (BG), with every vendor adding it to their marketing slogan and tag lines. Having been in data and consumer marketing for over 20 years, I was quite dismayed to watch the promise of big data following the Gartner Hype cycle...

How Big Data Is Rewriting Hollywood Scripts. I honestly can’t tell horror movies apart.

How Big Data Is Rewriting Hollywood Scripts

From set and costume design to the trailers that all seem to have the same…tempo…of…HE’S RIGHT THERE, OMG!! --novelty has clearly given way to successful tropes and generic market testing. But how bad have things gotten, really?