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Dr Pillai’s a spiritual center is dedicated to bringing science and spirituality together to gain wisdom, healing, wealth, and enlightenment

The True Meaning of Muruga’s Birthday - Pillai Center Blog. Discover the truth behind Archetypes and how Muruga’s forthcoming birthday is a chance to realize the god in you.

The True Meaning of Muruga’s Birthday - Pillai Center Blog

You can birth Muruga in you. This seems to be quite a strange concept, but truly it is the right understanding of Godhead within the Indian Tradition. You can literally “birth” a god within you because the god is not just a superstitious concept. Perform Abhishekam at Home. A hydration ceremony, or Abhishekam, is a great way to connect with the Deity or Divine Archetype of your choice.

Perform Abhishekam at Home

You can create ceremonies for a variety of purposes, like karma removal, prosperity blessings, removal of inner and outer negativity, longevity of a relationship, and more. During a hydration ceremony, you’re pouring water and other liquids on a statue of a Deity with the intent to bring the Deity to life. Rahu in Leo and Ketu in Aquarius. I’m a firm believer that even difficult circumstances can reveal a silver lining.

Rahu in Leo and Ketu in Aquarius

Have you ever had this experience? So many obstacles kept coming up that you finally gave up on a cherished goal and nothing seemed to work. Brahma Muhurta and Other Secrets of the Masters - Pillai Center Blog. Ever thought of going to India to change your life?

Brahma Muhurta and Other Secrets of the Masters - Pillai Center Blog

Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Carl Jung and countless other extraordinarily influential people have done it and, clearly, the results have been astounding. Imagine the following scenario You make the plans, book the flight, get the visa and excitedly pack your bags. On the plane, you finally relax until your destination. Kleem Love Mantra: Meaning, Benefits, & Instructions - Pillai Center. Pillai Center teacher Jai Radha (Gina) recently hosted a webinar about the Kleem mantra, based on Dr.

Kleem Love Mantra: Meaning, Benefits, & Instructions - Pillai Center

Pillai’s teachings. Kleem is the mantra of attraction, love, and relationships. In the video, Jai Radha speaks about the meaning of the Kleem mantra, its benefits, and how to chant kleem mantra. She also gives a guided Kleem meditation, during which you infuse the different parts of the body with Kleem. Learn Swami Ramalingam’s Light Body Technology. Swami Ramalingam was completely convinced that as long as the human body is the focus of our life, suffering cannot come to an end.

Learn Swami Ramalingam’s Light Body Technology

He came up with many methods to transform the body into light which he demonstrated in his own life through his transformation. – Dr. Pillai Experience Light Body Technology In 1874, during a very powerful time window called Tai Poosam, Swami Ramalingam transformed his body into Light. Kleem Love Mantra: Meaning, Benefits, & Instructions - Pillai Center. How to do Lakshmi Pooja during Diwali. It is a long-standing custom to worship Goddess Lakshmi during Diwali.

how to do Lakshmi Pooja during Diwali

The pooja is particularly famous in Gujarat and Maharashtra, where the trading community worships her to be blessed with wealth and fortune. Special ceremonies are organized, and Lakshmi is invoked on Diwali. Goddess Maha Lakshmi Maha Lakshmi or Lakshmi is a popular Goddess associated with Hinduism. She is the wife of Maha Vishnu, one amongst the Trimurtis of Hinduism. Chakras- 7 Secret Channels of Spiritual Energy - Pillai Center Blog. Chakra is a Sanskrit term referring to a ‘Disc” or “Wheel.”

Chakras- 7 Secret Channels of Spiritual Energy - Pillai Center Blog

The concept of seven chakras is an ancient philosophy belonging to Hinduism; the continuous flow of energy through the chakras is known as “Kundalini Shakti.” When activated, these seven chakras act as seven secret channels of spiritual energy. These seven chakras are found in our bodies but are not visible to our naked eye. Each of the chakras is associated with a unique color, symbol, and God. Impacts of Nakshatra Into Your Life - Pillai Center Blog. As per Hindu astrology, 27 Nakshatras have the power to influence one’s life.

Impacts of Nakshatra Into Your Life - Pillai Center Blog

Any individual will be born in any one of these 27 nakshatras (stars). Therefore, if one intends to invoke the power of their birth nakshatra and experience positive effects, they should worship the Nakshatra Devata that controls their Nakshatra. The ancient Hindu Rishis have written about the procedure and benefits of worshipping the Nakshatra Devatas and the Nava Graha planets ruling the stars in their religious texts. The 27 nakshatras are classified into nine groups of 3 nakshatras each, and each Navagrahas rule them.

For example, the Nakshatra Devata for Bharani star is Lord Yama, and the Navagraha planet to be worshipped by those born under this star is Lord Sukhra (Venus) Pillai Center Academy is under construction. Skanda Sashti: The Festival of Lord Murugan. From October 31st through November 5th: Chant or write Muruga (Moo-Roo-Gah) at least 108x per day.Wear and embrace the color redPour water over a Vel or Muruga state during Mars hours (goat milk and natural red juice are bonuses) Download FREE hora watch appWatch these free videos on Muruga by Dr.

Skanda Sashti: The Festival of Lord Murugan

Pillai (these too)Review this Muruga quick guide from Pillai Center BlogRead these posts about Muruga from AstroVed Astrology ClubWant more? Maha Shasti Vratham Benefits. Muruga also known as Subramanya or Skanda is a popular Hindu deity. He is one of the sons of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Muruga worship is very popular in Tamil Nadu. Chakras- 7 Secret Channels of Spiritual Energy - Pillai Center Blog. How to Balance Your Spiritual & Material Life - Pillai Center Blog. My family hated me for becoming a meditation teacher in my twenties. They hated me even more when I became a Guru. To please my family, I went to university and obtained two Master’s Degrees and a Ph.D from the University of Pittsburgh, but deep down I always knew that I was destined for greater things.

Pradhosham and its Significance - Pillai Center Blog. Pradosham is a vital powertime occurring during the 13th phase of the Moon. Pradosham is the 1.5 hours before sunset on the 13th Moon phase and occurs twice a month. This time is ideal to worship Lord Shiva and is the time of spiritual awakening and open your consciousness to a new reality and existence. Pradosham signifies the spiritual awakening from the material enjoyment and comforts. Pradhosham and its Significance - Pillai Center Blog. Navadurga and Navaratri - Pillai Center Blog. Navaratri festival is fast approaching, and the Hindus worldwide are getting ready to celebrate it according to their culture and traditions.

Navratri is one of India’s India’s grand festivals observed with pomp and devotion for nine nights and ten days. According to the Hindu Customs, four different Navratris celebrated every year. Amongst the four, the Chaitra Navratri falling in March/April and the Sharad Navratri observed during September/ October are more popular. 5 Strange Navratri Rituals We Bet You Didn't Know About - Pillai Center Blog. What is Navaratri Navaratri is a major Hindu festival celebrated by Hindus all over the world. The festival derives its name from two Sanskrit words, ‘Nava’ and ‘Ratri’ meaning, ‘nine’ and ‘nights.’

As the festival is celebrated for nine nights, it got the name, ‘Navaratri.’ The legend of Navaratri Navaratri falls on the lunar month of Ashvin and marks the beginning of the winter season (September-October). Navadurga and Navaratri - Pillai Center Blog. Purattasi Sani Viratham Procedure and Importance - Pillai Center Blog. The Significance of Purattasi Month and Purattasi viratham - Pillai Center Blog. The importance of being led by the Holy Spirit - Pillai Center Blog. How to Prepare for Ganesha's Birthday - Pillai Center Blog. Spiritual Healing By Dr.Pillai.