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Homepage - Learn mandarin chinese | online course | audio lessons. Learn Chinese - Learning Mandarin Chinese Lessons Conversation Tones Pronunciation Characters Chinese Culture Online Free on Mandarin Click by Click with James Steed. Learn Chinese Speaking, Free Chinese Lessons on Everyday Chinese. Day Day Up Chinese! Free Online Mandarin Chinese Self-Study Textbook. In this first lesson we will learn the pronouns, the verb "to be", and the occupations "student", "teacher", and "businessperson".

After all, aren't we a little bit of all three? The simple sentence pattern of pronoun + be + complement is a a quick and easy way to convey information about people - "He is an American", "They are students", "She is my coworker" etc. Once you get in the basic form, it's simply a matter of plugging in additional vocabulary (which we will do in later lessons). 1.01 Pronouns Notes: He and she have the same pronunciation in Mandarin, tā; in the written language they are differentiated by their characters, 他 for he and 她 for she.

To make the plural of any pronoun just add 们 men to the singular form of the pronoun. 1.02 Pronouns and the verb "to be" Notes: The verb to be 是 shì does not decline, that is to say that its form stays the same no matter who is performing the action. 1.03 Pronouns, the verb "to be", and the noun complement "student" Vocabulary point: Zhongwen Blue - Free Online Materials for Learning Chinese. Best Chinese Learning Blogs | Dip To Go. My mission was simple. Go out and search the world wide web to find the best bloggers that blog about learning Mandarin Chinese. What kind of blogs? Chinese language blogs that talk about language learning resources, tips for speaking, offer listening practice, etc… There are many blogs about living in China and while these are interesting it doesn’t really help students looking to improve their Chinese. Below is a list of the best Chinese language learning blogs that specifically help students learn Chinese.

Laowai Chinese: Tips and Strategies to Learn Chinese Laowai Chinese covers various different topics related to learning Chinese — vocabulary, resources, and even pronunciation to name a few topics. 2 posts worth checking out: Master the Tones: Tips to help students learn and improve their Chinese tone pronunciationWhat Foreigners Like to Eat: A list of food that foreigners like to eat and how to order it in Chinese Beijing Sounds: Beijing sounds, mostly language, through foreign ears. Chineasy. 衣橱公主 - 收看剧集,片段和视频 | 芭比之生活在梦想豪宅.