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City Price GuideGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe. London is a world-class city that everyone should visit at least once.

City Price GuideGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe

It’s also constantly rated as one of the most expensive cities in the world — especially since the British Pound is so strong against the dollar. Luckily hostels are reasonably affordable (at least for a major city) and there are plenty of great free museums. However, the cost of attractions and food can kill your budget. Below are daily costs to help you estimate your daily travel costs. Average Daily Cost For Visiting London How much you can expect to spend on an average day for the budget-conscious traveler. Note: These prices are based on what you’ll need to visit the city comfortably — they don’t include things like big nights out at the bar/pub, club entry fees, souvenir/clothing shopping, tours, etc. Average “Budget” Daily Cost: £72 (Approx. $110) Daily Cost of Frugal Travel in London: £45 (Approx. $70) London Attraction and Museum Prices Good news… London has amazing museums and most of them are completely free. Tips for Finding Cheap Flights to EuropeGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe.

Your plane ticket to Europe will probably be your single greatest expense.

Tips for Finding Cheap Flights to EuropeGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe

Unfortunately, after the economy collapsed many airlines cut back on their number of international fights so there are less tickets available—which means that the days of super cheap airfare are gone. At the moment expect to pay between $900-$1400 for a round-trip ticket (from the US). That said, you still want to find the cheapest airfare possible. Itinerary Planning Advice for Budget Backpacking in EuropeGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe. A proper itinerary is essential if you want to go backpacking cheaply in Europe.

Itinerary Planning Advice for Budget Backpacking in EuropeGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe

There are so many amazing places to visit in Europe—you could travel for over 12 months and still feel like you’ve missed a lot. It can be very difficult to narrow down exactly where you want to visit and a lot of travelers can really struggle with the decision. It takes a lot of creativity and you’ll probably spend many hours trying to nail down your itinerary. There are multiple strategies for traveling and it is up to you to find the one that works the best for your journey. Keep in mind that the length of your trip has a huge impact on how much of an itinerary you’ll need. **Cheesy Analogy Alert** Planning is a lot like doing a puzzle. Why Should I Plan an Itinerary? Some people travel to Europe with the “I’ll just wing it and see what happens” attitude. Backpack Europe Step-by-Step Planning GuideGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe. This is a step-by-step guide to help you plan your backpacking Europe trip.

Backpack Europe Step-by-Step Planning GuideGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe

This guide is broken down into different phases of the planning process — Initial Trip Planning, Packing Guides for clothes and gear, Finding Accommodation, Choosing Transportation, Travel Gear Reviews and other helpful travel tips. Backpack Europe Step-by-Step Planning GuideGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe. Itinerary Planning Advice for Budget Backpacking in EuropeGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe. The Best Travel Guides For Budget Travelers: Travel Guidebooks, Online Travel Guides & MoreGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe. Traditionally, guidebooks have been the traveler’s bible, and I think they’re still a great resource for planning your journey.

The Best Travel Guides For Budget Travelers: Travel Guidebooks, Online Travel Guides & MoreGuide to Budget Backpacking in Europe

Although, over the past few years there has been a proliferation of online travel resources and it is now easier than ever to find out about the best Europe has to offer. I think any good travel planning should include both printed travel books and online guides. I often hear people mention that they don’t want to plan their trip, but they would rather “play everything by ear.” They have romantic notions of “finding that great little cafe” by accident. I think this is a terrible idea (trust me, I was one of those people). There are hundreds of guidebooks and travel guide websites out there, but I am going to mainly focus on the ones geared towards budget and younger travelers. In this guide I will review “traditional” travel guidebooks, but I will also review new sources of travel information—like online guides. Each guide costs 3.99€ and comes as a PDF. . Astor Queensway in London, England. Astor Quest is located close to many sites and attractions, a perfect spot from where you can start sightseeing.

Astor Queensway in London, England

Not far from us you will find Hyde Park, Kensington Palace, Portobello Market and Whiteley's Shopping centre. We are also close to Notting Hill Gate and a many great pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes. We have no curfew so you can stay out and enjoy London's nightlife. We only permit guests between the ages of 18 - 30 to stay at our hostel, so we are an ideal accommodation for young travellers and backpackers. Our guests and staff create a friendly atmosphere in the building, a place to meet new people and make new friends. When you come back to the hostel after a busy day touring, you can relax in the lounge room in a warm environment, play games and watch cable TV.

We have dorm rooms with 4 to 8 beds per room.