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Installator : MSI / InstallShield / ORCA / Inno Setup

Execute. Pages de codes de MultiByteToWideChar() CP_ACP/CP_OEMCP. MultiByteToWideChar() maps a character string to a wide-character string.

Pages de codes de MultiByteToWideChar() CP_ACP/CP_OEMCP

The declaration of this application programming interface (API) is as follows: int MultiByteToWideChar(uCodePage, dwFlags, lpMultiByteStr, cchMultiByte, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar) UINT uCodePage; /* codepage */ DWORD dwFlags; /* character-type options */ LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr; /* address of string to map */ int cchMultiByte; /* number of characters in string */ LPWSTR lpWideCharStr; /* address of wide-character buffer */ int cchWideChar; /* size of wide-character buffer */ The first parameter, uCodePage, specifies the codepage to be used when performing the conversion. This discussion applies to the first parameter of WideCharToMultiByte() as well. The codepage can be any valid codepage number. Télécharger Inno Setup (gratuit) Process Explorer v11.02. Process Explorer v11.02. Par Mark Russinovich Paru le 14 septembre 2007 Introduction Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé quel programme a un fichier ou un répertoire particulier ouvert ?

Process Explorer v11.02

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