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UNG (UNG is Not Google)

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Free Cloud Alliance. NEOPPOD Distributed Transactional NoSQL Object Database. Free Cloud Alliance. The information below concerns the UNG 1.0 project, for current efforts, see the UNG 2.0 project.

Free Cloud Alliance

The UNG project intends to provide a complete alternative to proprietary cloud computing solutions, starting from enterprise applications and ending with search engines. The current development focus is Web Office and Web Groupware. We invite all Javascript developers to help the UNG project by improving community projects which have been select for UNG. screenshot of the first prototype of UNG Docs The table bellow provides an overview of the status of UNG. Ready means that it is already used by mission critical projects Prototype means that it is already used by a few people Proof of concept means that a demo what produced based on which development can start Design concept means that ideas for a proof of concept exist The UNG Docs project has been officially presented during the Open World Forum in Paris, in November 22th.

Releases: Instructions to install them over ERP5 will come soon. UNG – Un clone open source de Google Docs. UNG – Un clone open source de Google Docs Vous connaissez tous Google Docs, qui permet de réaliser 100% en ligne, des tâches de bureautique, que ce soit de l'édition de documents, de tableurs ou de présentations façon powerpoint...etc.

UNG – Un clone open source de Google Docs

Ce concurrent à Microsoft Office est de plus en plus utilisé et j'avoue très pratique pour l'édition collaborative de documents (mais moins qu'un pad :-)). Seul hic, qui peut en faire frissonner certains : Vos chers documents sont stockés sur les serveurs de Google. Autant dire qu'il vaut mieux éviter d'y mettre des choses trop sensibles...

Pour répondre à ce besoin de suite bureautique en ligne, tout en conservant la main sur ses propres données, des étudiant brésiliens ont eu l'excellente idée de créer UNG (UNG is not Google). UNG utilise une base de données NOSQL et s'appuie sur SlapOS d'ERP5 mais d'après les dev, l'objectif à terme est de se détacher d'ERP5 et de s'appuyer sur les standards Unhosted. UNG est téléchargeable ici. [Source] Free Cloud Alliance. The information below concerns the UNG 1.0 project, for current efforts, see the UNG 2.0 project.

Free Cloud Alliance

The UNG project intends to provide a complete alternative to proprietary cloud computing solutions, starting from enterprise applications and ending with search engines. The current development focus is Web Office and Web Groupware. We invite all Javascript developers to help the UNG project by improving community projects which have been select for UNG. screenshot of the first prototype of UNG Docs The table bellow provides an overview of the status of UNG. Ready means that it is already used by mission critical projects Prototype means that it is already used by a few people Proof of concept means that a demo what produced based on which development can start Design concept means that ideas for a proof of concept exist The UNG Docs project has been officially presented during the Open World Forum in Paris, in November 22th.

Releases: Instructions to install them over ERP5 will come soon.