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WebView Class Reference. Overview WebView is the core view class in the WebKit framework that manages interactions between the WebFrame and WebFrameView classes.

WebView Class Reference

To embed web content in your application, you just create a WebView object, attach it to a window, and send a loadRequest: message to its main frame. Behind the scenes, WebFrame objects encapsulate the content contained in a single frame element. A hierarchy of WebFrame objects is used to model an entire webpage where the root is called the main frame. There is a WebFrameView object per WebFrame object used to display the frame content. You customize your embedded web content by implementing WebView delegates to handle certain aspects of the process.

For example, you might want to implement the frame load and resource load delegates to monitor the load progress and display status messages. You use a WebPreferences object to encapsulate the preferences of a WebView object, such as the font, text encoding, and image settings. Instance Methods alignCenter: WebView and Headers. I have tried the [(NSURLRequest *)request allHeaderFields] in every delegate which has request as a parameter but still get everything but the cookie.

WebView and Headers

I get a warning on the compile and an error on the execute if I try allHeaderFields or valueForHTTPHeaderField on a NSURLResponse. But I am assuming from your response that I should be able to access these fields in the WebView delegates, right? On Jul 17, 2010, at 4:59 PM, Keary Suska wrote: > On Jul 17, 2010, at 1:16 PM, The Geezer wrote: > >> I have an application I wrote for testing which has a WebView. >> Everything works fine, however, I would like to be able to log the >> HTTP Header Fields "Cookie" and "Set-Cookie". >> I seem to be able to access and log every http header except the >> cookie headers. >> They don't even show up using [(NSURLRequest *)request >> allHeaderFields] in the WebView delegates which pass the request >> field. >> Anyone have any idea how these fields can be accessed? > show quoted text. iPhone SDK Tutorial - UI WebView and Tab Bar Application.

Nsurlrequest - Page 3 - Developer IT. Handling self-signed and untrusted certificates for UIWebView. There's a lot of talk about this, but it appears a lot of people, including myself, have had a really tough time getting this to work.

Handling self-signed and untrusted certificates for UIWebView

I've been able to get an unsupported work-around for this issue, but never the "supported" API, as mentioned by ghenriksen. Here's the code he has pasted several places on the web... Can anyone provide a simple webview example where it uses this code to allow access to untrusted certificates? Thanks in advance. Loading secure site (https connection) into Webkit. Open url using UIwebview - iPhone Dev Forums. Hello, I am still trying to implement it with following code but no success, I tried some different methods and delegations and same result.

open url using UIwebview - iPhone Dev Forums

Always webview object keeps in white. Could it be that is not supported by simulator, only on a device? Am I missing any delegation or step? Thanks for help! -(void)viewDidLoad { NSString *urlAddress = @ //Create a URL object. //URL Requst Object NSURLRequest *requestObj = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url]; NSURLConnection *theConnection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:requestObj delegate:self]; //Load the request in the UIWebView. [super viewDidLoad]; } - (void)connection NSURLConnection *)theConnection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge NSURLAuthentica tionChallenge *)challenge { NSLog(@"got auth challange");