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Memory management

iPhone App Tutorial 1 - Hello World. iPhone SDK 3.1 Interface Builder Tutorial Part1/3. iPhone SDK 3.1 Interface Builder Tutorial Part2/3. iPhone SDK 3.1 Interface Builder Tutorial Part3/3 [With audio so. Table Views and Navigation Controllers - iPhone SDK Tutorial. Building an iPhone App Combining Tab Bar, Navigation and Tab. Tab bars and Navigation bars together. The TableView is a common way to display data on an iPhone.

Tab bars and Navigation bars together

For example, news apps like Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Huffington Post all use a table view to display a list of stories. When you click on one of those stories, you see the full news story in a detail view. At the top of these apps, you see a navigation bar that allows you to navigate back to the list of stories, and at the bottom, a tab bar that lets you select among different app functions or topics, for example. Combining a tab bar with a table view and navigation bar isn't very difficult, but it took me forever to figure out how to do it properly. I found the explanation of how to combine tab bars and navigation bars on Apple's website woefully inadequate. I've created an example to demonstrate how to build this kind of app and recorded a screencast partly so I'd never forget again, and also to help anyone else out there who might be struggling with this same challenge.

Stanford Classes

iPhone Tutorial - Multiple XIB files. Objective-c. Débuter en Objective-C sur Mac. L'avantage d'Objective-C, comme son ancêtre Smalltalk, c'est que tout est objet, y-compris les messages eux-mêmes (on se souviendra de l'influence de Lisp sur Smalltalk).

Débuter en Objective-C sur Mac

Du coup, on pourra... empiler des messages et implémenter à moindre frais Undo pour défaire une action ! Cerise sur le gâteau, il existe une classe NSInvocation qui capture un message sous forme d'objet, et un gestionnaire d'invocation NSUndoManager qui fera le sale boulot tout seul ! Un gestionnaire d'annulations utilise en général une pile. Grosso modo, à chaque modification issue d'un message, il faut dire au gestionnaire d'invocation d'empiler le message inverse.

Nous vous renvoyons au livre de Hillegass (chap. 9) pour les détails. Les protocoles d'Objective-C sont les analogues des interfaces de Java : une liste de déclarations de méthodes que telle ou telle classe pourra implémenter. // fichier Polygone.h#import "Figure.h"#import "FormeGeometrique.h"@interface Triangle : Figure <FormeGeometrique, NSCoding>... @protocol protocol. Downloads « Muhaye's official website.

View Controller Programming Guide for iOS: Custom View Controllers. Custom content view controllers are the heart of your app.

View Controller Programming Guide for iOS: Custom View Controllers

You use them to present your app’s unique content. All apps need at least one custom content view controller. Complex apps divide the workload between multiple content controllers. A view controller has many responsibilities. Some of these responsibilities are things that iOS requires the view controller to do. Anatomy of a Content View Controller The UIViewController class provides the fundamental infrastructure for implementing all custom view controllers. Figure 3-1 shows some of the key objects associated directly with a content view controller. When you design a new view controller, it potentially has many responsibilities. View Controllers Manage Resources Some objects are instantiated when the view controller is initialized and are disposed of when your view controller is released.

See “Resource Management in View Controllers.”