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Cowcotland. Mele A1000 is a $70 hackable, Linuxfriendly ARMbased PC. The Raspberry Pi folks have been getting a lot of attention for their $35 PC with an ARM-based processor and support for some open source software.

Mele A1000 is a $70 hackable, Linuxfriendly ARMbased PC

But as the cost of computer components continues to drop, the Raspberry Pi is hardly the only inexpensive PC capable of running Linux. The Mele A1000 is a system that sells for $70 and up and which features a number of components that the Raspberry Pi lacks — including a SATA port, a case, and a faster processor. Powered by a 1 GHz Allwinner A10 ARM Cortex-A8 processor, the Mele A1000 should be noticeably faster than the Raspberry Pi, which has a 700 MHz ARM11 chip. While the Mele A1000 is described as a TV box, it’s basically a little ARM-based computer with HDMI, VGA, USB, and Ethernet ports, as well as support for an external SATA hard drive. Ali Express is selling the box for $70 plus shipping, or you can spend $100 to get a version from DealExtreme with a remote control, external hard drive cover, and Android 2.3 software.

VIA ARTiGO A1100 : un nettop complet. LINUTOP : SMALL COMPUTER - Small PC - Linux desktop - Digital si.