Dr Mukaram Gazi
Dr. Mukaram Gazi is Board Certified by the American Board of Urology. In addition to clinical practice, Dr. Mukaram Gazi is a thought leader, author, and consultant for several top research, pharmaceutical, and biotech companies.
As Offered by Dr. Mukaram Gazi and UUANJ, SpaceOAR Hydrogel Protects Cancer Patients from the Side Effects of Radiation Therapy. Founding member of the University Urology Associates of New Jersey (UUANJ), Dr.
Mukaram Gazi is proud to offer highly advanced SpaceOAR treatment for prostate cancer patients. Under Dr. Mukaram Gazi’s leadership, UUANJ is protecting prostate cancer patients from radiation therapy’s harmful side effects with the SpaceOAR hydrogel system A Sensible Precaution for a Common Cancer Treatment With over 190,000 new cases diagnosed annually, prostate cancer is the second only to skin cancer among male American cancer patients.
After reporting these staggering facts in a recent article, Baptist Health South Florida discusses proctitis as just one of the many painful and problematic side effects of prostate cancer radiation. SpaceOAR hydrogel is an FDA-approved product that prevents the rectal area from suffering collateral damage during prostate cancer radiation therapy. Proctitis is just one of many harmful side effects that plague prostate cancer patients who undergo radiation therapy. Dr. Dr. Yahoo fait désormais partie de Verizon Media. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media.
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Monmouth Medical Center, Southern Campus Urologist Raises Awareness of Men's Health through Urinal Sponsorship at FirstEnergy Park. Many baseball fans are familiar with the game's lingo – they know that the "bag" refers to a base and that ERA means earned run average.
They may even be able to recite the batting averages of their home team's starting line-up. But does the public know that ED means Erectile Dysfunction or BPH means Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia – also known as an enlarged prostate? One local urology group has taken an untraditional approach to raising awareness of men's health issues by partnering with the Lakewood BlueClaws and Trenton Thunder. University Urology Associates of New Jersey (UUANJ) has taken advertising space in urinals at FirstEnergy Park, home of the Lakewood BlueClaws. The sponsorship makes the urinals a platform to promote the medical practice, but to also shed light on serious men's health issues in a lighthearted way.
"It's not always easy for men to come to terms with their health issues, especially urological issues. University Urology Associates of NJ One of First in Central NJ to Offer Minimally Invasive Treatment for Enlarged Prostate. University Urology Associates of New Jersey (UUANJ) now offers another minimally invasive option to the millions of men suffering from the effects of an enlarged prostate.
UroLift, the first permanent implant to treat the symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate, is the latest technological advance in UUANJ's comprehensive collection of treatment options. The National Institutes of Health reports that over 50% of men in their 60s have symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and as many as 500 million men worldwide suffer from BPH-related symptoms. BPH is a common, non-cancerous condition in men where the prostate gland becomes enlarged. Unfortunately, an enlarged prostate can constrict the urethra and cause a wide variety of symptoms including frequent urination or difficulty urinating. BPH symptoms can cause loss of productivity and sleep, depression and decreased quality of life. Treatment options for BPH range from medications to surgery. Ground Breaking Treatment in Your Backyard - Dr. Mukaram Gazi, MD. UUANJ recently started offering the state of the art SpaceOAR® treatment for patients with prostate cancer.
This can be used with all radiation therapy modalities and is done through a temporary injectable gel that provides protection to the rectum of men who are undergoing radiation therapy for the treatment of prostate cancer. SpaceOAR® is a revolution in the treatment of prostate cancer and the first and only prostate cancer spacing device to have received clearance from Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Currently there are no other rectum-sparing hydrogels available in the U.S or abroad. At UUANJ, we place the SpaceOAR System in patients prior to radiation therapy through a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure.
Our urologists inject the SpaceOAR hydrogel through a small needle into the space between the prostate and rectum, while the patient is under local or general anesthesia. University Urology Associates of New Jersey (UUANJ) was established in 2003 by Dr. Dr.