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Posting to Twitter with iOS 5. ***This tutorial was written and re-posted with permission from: iPhoneSDK*** One of the new features in iOS5 is the direct integration of Twitter. A user only has to connect their Twitter account once to their iDevice and then all Apps can have the availability to post to Twitter using the users account. The ViewController that allows the developer to integrate Twitter is the TWTweetComposeViewController. In this tutorial we’re going to take a quick look on how you can integrate the TWTweetComposeViewController into an App by clicking a button.

Documentation. Twitter Framework Reference. iOS Twitter framework. The official iOS SDK includes a framework that enables your iOS applications to leverage the power of Twitter.

iOS Twitter framework

This framework removes many of the common obstacles encountered when accessing Twitter's API, including authentication and Tweet composition, and allows developers to focus on more meaningful levels of integration that enrich their applications' experiences. Note: With the Social framework, as with any iOS-related topic, the Apple Developer Site should be considered the ultimate source of development references, guides and code for developers.

It is also where you should start if you encounter generic iOS issues that you cannot resolve on your own. What can I do with the framework? As a mobile application developer, there are 3 key facets of Twitter that you can leverage in your applications: