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Free hypnosis - hypnotherapy scripts. If you’ve done your research you've found that if you are able to find royalty free scripts that they are extremely expensive as the author is virtually giving away his rights and assigning them to you.

Free hypnosis - hypnotherapy scripts

Since we want to help as many of our patrons as possible we are only charging $10 each and even including 2 additional scripts, an Induction, Deepener and an Awakening as a Bonus for no extra charge, and they are “all” Royalty Free. The Scripts included in this manual consist of many of our mot popular and effective published scripts over the years. Hypnosis Scripts. Weight Control | Test Anxiety | Social Anxiety Here are some hypnosis scripts.

Hypnosis Scripts

These scripts are valuable in understanding how to approach giving suggestions and constructing a hypnotic intervention. Free Hypnosis Scripts - Weight Loss. Weight Loss I By ASH Author Now take a deep breath ... exhale ... and relax ... just allow everything to let go ... you have no place else to be ... nothing else to do ... but just sit back, relax, and let go completely ...

Free Hypnosis Scripts - Weight Loss

You are here to lose weight and to become healthier ... and the way you are going to lose weight ... beginning right now ... is just by relaxing ... that's right, you are going to sit back ... relax ... and allow yourself to accept all the suggestions ... that I am about to give you ... If you can accept all the suggestions that are being given to you without being critical of them or without over examining them ... and can follow my instructions exactly as I give them to you, you will lose all the weight you desire and attain your goal weight ...

Let me repeat that again so it is perfectly clear ...