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Copy / Paste by Peter Pappas. This week I attended a panel discussion sponsored by Mobile Portland entitled " . " I was treated to an all-star panel that tacked tough questions exploring challenges, opportunities, design considerations and the user experience in the mobile context. Through the talk, I kept thinking about a quote from my previous post - "With rare exceptions, schools currently treat the digital revolution as if it never happened. Computers, more often than not, still sit in dedicated rooms, accessible only with adult supervision. ... When students step out the door of the institution called school today, they step into a learning environment ... in which one is free to follow a line of inquiry wherever it takes one, without the direction and control of someone called a teacher... If you were a healthy, self-actualizing young person, in which of these environments would you choose to spend most of your time? ... So where's this put our students?

Mobile context in schools? Research a Topic. Middle school 101. Teachingunmasked.pdf. The Reflective School by Peter Pappas by Peter Pappas on Prezi.