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Writing a Plex Plugin Part I - geek - thingsinjars. I've just released version 1.0 of the Transmission plugin for the Plex Media Server. As with all good software projects, there were actually many releases before 1.0 but I thought this was the right time to write up a walk-through of what the code looks like and does. I didn't write the initial version of the plugin but I've maintained it since v0.7 and now pretty much rewritten everything a couple of times. I'll post my walkthrough in a few installments because it's quite long. This plugin is built to be compatible with Plex Plugin Framework v1 which initially looked like quite a major change from the previous version of the framework but isn't really that different. For Plex plugins, every time an action is performed, the system generates a URL and passes it down through its own menu structure until it gets to a plugin that handles that URL.

The plugin then deals with the info in the URL however it likes. For example the URL: /video/transmission/id/status/action/ Imports Declarations. Plexinc-plugins's Profile - GitHub. Plex Forums. Main Page - Plex. Plex - A Complete Media Solution.