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Revista chilena de radiología - POR QUE REDUCIR LAS DOSIS DE RADIACION EN PEDIATRIA. Revista Chilena de Radiología.


Vol. 12 Nº 1, año 2006; 28-32. Dr. Roberto Mondaca A. Guía Multidisciplinaria 2012 sobre cuidados del Prematuro Tardío #Tabasco, #Pediatría #Salud. Pediatría Social y Derechos en Iberoamérica: #Tabasco #Pediatría #Salud. Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, Lider en Pediatría en México: #Salud #Pediatría #Tabasco #Honesto. Mold Exposure in Infancy May Raise Asthma Risk. Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Young Women Receiving the First Quadrivalent Vaccine Dose. Montelukast for Children With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Periódico en NEOKIDS DR.ELIAS CORDOVA SASTRE. Presenta dislalia el cuatro por ciento de infantes en preescolar y primaria. NUEVOS LINEAMIENTOS EN EDUCACION SEXUAL.

T.D.A.H.: autismo, hiperactivos, medicina, neokids, neurología, neurologia, padres de familia, pediatria, pediatría, psicología. ¿EL DAÑO DEL MERCURIO EN LAS VACUNAS ES REAL? RECOMENDACIONES PARA EL SUEÑO SEGURO EN BEBES. Saliva Tests for Infants May Identify Risk of Hearing Loss, Study Shows. A simple saliva swab may help doctors better identify newborn babies born with an infection that is responsible for as much as 25 percent of hearing loss early in life, a study found.

Saliva Tests for Infants May Identify Risk of Hearing Loss, Study Shows

The study, led by researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, identified all babies infected with cytomegalovirus, or CMV, when using a wet saliva sample and about 97 percent when using a dried saliva sample. The research was published today in the New England Journal of Medicine. One in 150 children born in the U.S., or about 30,000, are infected with CMV, the most common infection passed from mother to unborn child, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 10 percent to 15 percent of those will develop a disability such as hearing loss, said pediatrician and lead study author Suresh Boppana. Studies estimate that about 20 percent of hearing loss at birth and 25 percent of hearing loss seen in 4-year-olds is due to CMV, Boppana said.

Los bebés deben ser examinados para enfermedades intratables? Grupo de pediatras Raps bebidas energéticas y deportivas para los niños. Afectan bebidas energéticas a niños: estudio - El Universal - Sociedad. Poca gente, un montón de pastillas: Expertos debaten medicar a los niños. Gavin Gorski, seen here with his father takes about 17 pills everyday to treat his behavioral disorders.

Poca gente, un montón de pastillas: Expertos debaten medicar a los niños

Gavin Gorski takes about 120 pills every week for schizoaffective disorder Increasingly more U.S. kids are taking behavioral drugs, according to several studiesMisdiagnosis, drug abuse and medicating kids for parental relief could be factors Editor's note: Americans have been led to believe -- by their doctors, by advertisers and by the pharmaceutical industry -- that there is a pill to cure just about anything that ails them.

This week, the networks of CNN go deep into the politics and the pills. La falta de vitamina prenatal vinculados con el autismo. DAVIS, Calif., May 26 (UPI) -- Women who didn't take prenatal vitamins early in pregnancy had an elevated risk of having a child with autism spectrum disorder, U.S. researchers say.

la falta de vitamina prenatal vinculados con el autismo

Lead author Rebecca J. Schmidt, an assistant professor at the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, says the researchers collected data from approximately 700 California families with children ages 2-5, who had autism or typical development. The autism diagnoses were confirmed through testing at the UC Davis MIND Institute, Schmidt says. Women who participated in the study were asked by telephone whether they took prenatal vitamins, multivitamins or other supplements at any time during the three months prior to and during their pregnancies and during breastfeeding.

Informe de los CDC muestran los casos de meningitis bacteriana en la decadencia. WEDNESDAY, May 25, 2011 (HealthDay News) -- The incidence of bacterial meningitis dropped by 31 percent between 1998 and 2007, new government research shows.

Informe de los CDC muestran los casos de meningitis bacteriana en la decadencia

The drop was led by reductions in infections by two powerful germs -- Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae -- that are covered by available immunizations. With fewer infections among young children, the burden of the disease is now mainly borne by older adults, the study authors found. "The good news is that fewer people are getting bacterial meningitis. The bad news is that if you get it, it's still a very serious infection," said study co-author Dr. Cynthia Whitney, chief of the bacterial respiratory diseases branch at the U.S.

Plantean revacunación por rebrote de tos ferina. * Presentarán consenso científico a OPS/OMS sobre el problema Por Elizabeth Rodríguez Mora.

Plantean revacunación por rebrote de tos ferina

“Es bueno hablarles con sus mismos códigos” La enuresis tiene un "importante" componente genético. La obesidad aumenta el riesgo de la psoriasis - Obesity in childhood significantly increases the risk of developing psoriasis, and psoriasis may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease later in life by increasing cholesterol levels, researchers reported Wednesday.

La obesidad aumenta el riesgo de la psoriasis -

Patients with psoriasis early in life should be monitored for early signs of cardiovascular disease and given therapy to reduce the risk of later heart attacks and stroke, a team from Kaiser Permanente reported in the Journal of Pediatrics. Psoriasis is a common autoimmune condition characterized by skin redness and irritation. Most patients have thick red skin with flaky, silver-white patches called scales. The disorder is genetic in origin, but can be exacerbated by a number of environmental factors, including excessive exposure to sunlight, excess alcohol consumption, stress, dry air or skin, certain drugs and many infections. Most subjects develop their first symptoms between age 15 and 35. Instar a los asesores de la FDA dosis infantil para niños Calmantes 'fiebre de venta libre.

Please note: This article was published more than one year ago.

Instar a los asesores de la FDA dosis infantil para niños Calmantes 'fiebre de venta libre

The facts and conclusions presented may have since changed and may no longer be accurate. And "More information" links may no longer work. Questions about personal health should always be referred to a physician or other health care professional. By Jenifer GoodwinHealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, May 18, 2011 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. health advisers recommended Wednesday that dosing instructions should be added to the labels of medicines containing the widely used pain reliever and fever reducer acetaminophen to better protect children under the age of 2.

La dieta infantil. Los bebés 'Gritos podría predecir el desarrollo posterior del lenguaje. Please note: This article was published more than one year ago.

Los bebés 'Gritos podría predecir el desarrollo posterior del lenguaje

The facts and conclusions presented may have since changed and may no longer be accurate. And "More information" links may no longer work. Questions about personal health should always be referred to a physician or other health care professional. FRIDAY, May 20, 2011 (HealthDay News) -- The level of complexity of infants' cries may help to predict which babies are at risk for language delays, new research suggests. German researchers compared the cries of three groups of 2-month-old babies: 11 with a cleft lip and palate, 10 with cleft palate only and a control group of 50 unaffected infants.

In infants, a "simple cry melody" consists of a single rising and then falling arc, according to researchers. By 2 months of age, healthy infants cries display complex melodies more than 50 percent of the time. Los expertos dicen que exámenes de colesterol debe comenzar en la infancia. Please note: This article was published more than one year ago.

Los expertos dicen que exámenes de colesterol debe comenzar en la infancia

The facts and conclusions presented may have since changed and may no longer be accurate. And "More information" links may no longer work. Questions about personal health should always be referred to a physician or other health care professional. FRIDAY, May 20, 2011 (HealthDay News) -- All children should be screened for high cholesterol when they're 9 to 11 years old, according to new guidelines from the National Lipid Association. Alergias a los alimentos infantiles vinculados con el asma. Como muchos adolescentes tienen adicción a Internet? El uso de antibióticos podrían estar relacionados con el riesgo de asma para niños. Study Shows Infants Who Take Antibiotics May Have Increased Risk of Asthma Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. By Cari NierenbergWebMD Health News May 16. 2011 -- Infants who take antibiotics during the first year of life may be at a slightly increased risk of developing asthma by age 18, a study shows.

The study also suggests a similar risk of asthma for children whose mothers took antibiotics during pregnancy. The study appears online in Pediatrics. Los atracones de bebida ligada a la pérdida de memoria en estudiantes universitarios: estudio. Eliminación de amígdalas pueden curar mojar la cama en algunos niños con apnea del sueño. Kids Taking ADHD Drugs at Low Risk for Heart Problems. Please note: This article was published more than one year ago. The facts and conclusions presented may have since changed and may no longer be accurate. And "More information" links may no longer work. Questions about personal health should always be referred to a physician or other health care professional. By Steven ReinbergHealthDay Reporter MONDAY, May 16, 2011 (HealthDay News) -- Children taking drugs to control attention deficit hyperactivity disorder appear to be at no greater risk for heart problems than kids not taking ADHD medications, a new study finds.

"ADHD medications can increase heart rate and blood pressure, which might be expected to increase the risk of cardiovascular outcomes," said lead researcher Sean Hennessy, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia. Dr. "This in no way says that in children with underlying heart disease the drugs are safe or not safe," he said. Obesidad e hipertensión infantil aumentaron entre 2 y 3 veces. Niñez. La privación social perjudica el desarrollo cerebral infantil, el estudio encuentra. Estudios de cigarrillos mentolados explosión como pesa la prohibición de la FDA - HealthWatch La Hill. "Several key issues, such as a potential increase in cigarette smuggling and contraband if menthol cigarettes were eliminated from the market, need additional study," Reynolds chief scientist Jeffery Gentry said in a recent statement.

"We continue to believe that any final decision by the Agency should be based on sound science, and we look forward to continuing to provide information and our perspectives on this issue to the Agency as it undertakes this process. " One of studies published Thursday also found people who smoked menthol cigarettes found it harder to quit. "The consensus of responsible scientists now strongly confirms that menthol flavorings lure youth to start smoking and then make it harder for menthol smokers to quit," added Georges Benjamin, Executive Director of the American Public Health Association. The other groups joining in the call for a ban are Legacy and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Menos problemas de comportamiento para los niños con leche materna: estudio. El autismo supone una importante carga económica sobre el Empleo de la mamá, Ingresos: Estudio.

A principios de la pubertad un reto para las niñas EE.UU. La fiebre durante el embarazo, la diabetes y la obesidad podría aumentar el riesgo del autismo. Combo Un medicamento podría ayudar a tratar los niños con TDAH. Study Shows Improvement in ADHD Symptoms in Kids Treated With Clonidine and a Stimulant. Contienda civil vinculadas a los problemas de los bebés para dormir. Alcohol adolescente uso, uso de la computadora vinculados. El apego inseguro a mamá a los 2 años predice la obesidad Por Guardería - - Healthland TIEMPO. El asma de riesgo puede aumentar con parto prematuro: estudio. Los niños obesos corren el riesgo de depresión en los adultos - El oeste de Australia. El neumococo causa infecciones graves, sobre todo en los niños. Crean dispositivo para medir temperatura del cerebro de manera no invasiva. AAP Preview 2011. Academia Americana de Pediatría página Temas.

Un estudio vincula el uso del biberón a la obesidad. El tratamiento de los niños para los gastos de los males ambientales de dólares EE.UU. 76B un Año. Los niños se mueven en una sentada mundo. TDAH, el control de las emociones en las familias pobres. La hepatitis C infecciones aumento entre los jóvenes. Estudio: arroja luz sobre la asignación de los nacimientos prematuros. NY puede prohibir las relaciones llenas de gérmenes médico, batas de laboratorio. A principios de vacuna contra la gripe mejor para las mujeres embarazadas: estudio. Padres una gran influencia en los hábitos alimentarios de los niños, dice estudio - Noticias ABC. Mes niños nacimiento parece estar ligada a la enfermedad celíaca: Estudio. Estudio: Programa de Lucha contra la Obesidad que funciona mejor en niños más pequeños - Blog de la Salud.

Las tasas de autismo pueden ser más altos que se pensaba - Tomografía computarizada no siempre es necesario en el traumatismo craneoencefálico infantil - El Gráfico - Blogs. Detección temprana es el mejor remedio para los problemas de la vista - Salud. Lo que necesitas saber de la vida 'secreta' de tus niños en internet - El mes de mamá - Salud.