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Elda Sinani

Elda Sinani, LL.M. is the Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford, becoming the first woman to hold this position.

Why do Building Inspection? : dreldasinani — LiveJournal. What is Building Inspection?

Why do Building Inspection? : dreldasinani — LiveJournal

Building Inspection is a procedure that aims to assess the conditions of a building or set of facilities. Therefore, it analyzes issues such as: safety, functionality, conservation and technical conditions. The professional who performs this analysis must also observe the changes that were made in the construction to ensure that the place is safe and in good conditions of use. How to succeed in business?. Elda Sinani — Discover key lessons for… Elda Sinani — Discover key lessons for any entrepreneur looking to achieve business success.

How to succeed in business?. Elda Sinani — Discover key lessons for…

Know who you are and what you believe Your essence is much greater than any job or career, and this cannot be lost in the battle for professional success. Myths about being in a leadership position. Experience in government Everyone obeys the boss Motivating and inspiring subordinates is essential to exert influence on a team, and anyone who does not have this leadership ability can end up with very ‘rebellious’ employees.

Myths about being in a leadership position

Commanding is easier than executing. Motivation at work: tips to keep a team engaged. Due to the relevance of the topic to your company's success, Elda Sinani have separated six tips for you to be able to incite your employees to work in a proactive and engaged manner.

Motivation at work: tips to keep a team engaged

Check out! 1- Take care of the organizational climate The work environment is where employees spend a large part of their day. Therefore, it is important to ensure that it is a pleasant, organized and quiet place, favoring the performance of the work and providing the development of creative, innovative and cooperative actions. The organizational climate is the psychological atmosphere of the organization, it is the environment in which employees interact with each other. How you can improve your ability to work as a team? Here are some tips by Elda Sinani on how you can improve your ability to work as a team. • Learn to manage conflicts: learn to listen, understand that separating the staff from the professional is fundamental, a different opinion comes to add and allow a greater analysis of the facts, be rational and understand, it is not what is best for you and your plans, but what is best for the company. • Effective communication: be direct, but not rude.

How you can improve your ability to work as a team?

Eliminate noise, gossip and side conversations. Create ways for information to reach everyone on the team at the right time and with the same quality. Elda Sinani - How does happiness affect team performance? According to Elda Sinani, If you stopped to ask your employees if they are happy with their work , how do you think they would respond?

Elda Sinani - How does happiness affect team performance?

You may think that this is not a relevant issue, but if you want to retain talent and run your business efficiently, you should be concerned with having a positive work environment . In addition, when exposed to a stressful work culture , employees can develop various health problems , such as heart disease, repetitive strain injury, musculoskeletal disorders and pulmonary anthracosis, for example. However, if your employees' work environment is not adequate, health problems are just one of the issues you should be concerned about. Project management as a strategic position in your company – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford. Elda Sinani – The importance of having people in strategic roles goes unnoticed in small and medium-sized companies.

Project management as a strategic position in your company – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford

You need employees at operational levels, who will get their hands dirty and produce for your business. These are the most common type of resource that companies tend to acquire – manpower. To assist in the management of your employees and the operations for which they are responsible, you can count on function and operations managers, in several different positions. If you want to see your company grow and scale to become a big business, you need to have other people besides you thinking about strategies that can help you along this path. Among the roles and responsibilities of the project manager is managing the efforts and resources of your company so that they are always aligned in pursuit of these goals outlined by your strategic team.

Leadership in times of crisis – Elda Sinani – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford. Elda Sinani – The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has caused several changes in the labor market.

Leadership in times of crisis – Elda Sinani – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford

Leaders play a key role in maintaining the productivity and mental health of their team during a period of crisis. Performing this role can ensure that your communications are more assertive and have a more positive impact. Here are some guidelines on how to be a good leader. Don’t sweeten it, but don’t scare people either. Leadership in times of crisis – Elda Sinani – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford. Leadership: How to lead young people and stimulate their potential – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford. Elda Sinani explain Leading a team is not an easy task.

Leadership: How to lead young people and stimulate their potential – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford

The managers have a key role in the success of the company , after all become the benchmark of success, motivation and strength to their led . Among the challenges of leadership , a good leader is one who is able to analyze the personal and professional profile of each individual, thus working on specific motivational aspects for each one. However, in the case of young people, this activity may seem a little complex. Despite this, this new generation has aroused the interest of several corporations. Performance Management by Elda Sinani – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford. The Elda Sinani explain concept of performance management is linked to the performance of employees – whether individually or collectively.

Performance Management by Elda Sinani – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford

Almost management by objectives, this system exists to promote the valorization of employees’ work, clearly linking performance to remuneration. Among its benefits we can mention: Develop a strategic management of human resources – Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford. Elda Sinani – Before the manager thinks about how to organize the HR in his company, it is interesting to understand that the management of people in the strategic planning of human resources will facilitate all this, as long as it is well elaborated. In other words, we can make a brief differentiation between people management and human resources management, but making it very clear that one is the perfect complement to the other: Human Resources Management: taking care of the bureaucratic aspects of the staff;People Management: analyzing the profiles, adapting each employee to each position, preparing the positions, career plans, monitoring the well-being of employees (which can be done through an organizational climate survey, for example).

It is clear that once the two jobs are done well, the company can only win and the human resources management strategy becomes more segmented and, therefore, more efficient. Dr. Elda Sinani – Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford – Elda Sinani is the author of several reports and articles on human rights, racial and gender discrimination, and immigration issues. Dr. Elda Sinani L.L.M. Blog. Dreldasinani — LiveJournal. Elda Sinani.

Dr. Elda Sinani – Medium. Elda Sinani - DMC. Elda Sinani - Hartford, CT. Dr. Elda Sinani, LL.M. Elda Sinani, helps organizations from the Fortune 500 to national nonprofits and family-run businesses solve their thorniest problems. Elda Sinani. Elda Sinani has not yet added any research fields to their profile. Bio Elda Sinani, helps organizations from the Fortune 500 to national nonprofits and family-run businesses solve their thorniest problems. Currently she is the Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford, becoming the first woman in 200 years’ history to lead the building, permits and inspections department. Her main goal is to reintegrate the online permitting, inspection process, and all code violations, which will not only be more efficient increasing the revenues, but provide better customer service. In her current role she aims to be a positive influence on increasing women's interest in construction and code compliance industry.

Dreldasinani - Coub. Elda Sinani. Elda Sinani on Mountain Project. Elda Sinani. Elda Sinani. Elda Sinani. Elda Sinani. Dr. Elda Sinani L.L.M., is a highly accomplished and educated Albanian-American Woman. She’s an inspiration to all of them, who leave their life behind in Albania for pursuing the dream and making it true, in America. Dr. Elda Sinani performed the studies for Law Degree in Albania, then she graduated for Law Degree from the University of Connecticut Law School and a Doctorate, from Northeastern University in Boston, MA. She has attended and spoken trainings at well-known institutions such as Yale and Harvard University, on subjects such as Human Trafficking, Leadership and International Human Rights. Profile – Elda Sinani – RaceFans. Elda Sinani. Elda Sinani, helps organizations from the Fortune 500 to national nonprofits and family-run businesses solve their thorniest problems.

Currently, she is the Director of Licenses & Inspections for the City of Hartford, becoming the first woman in 200 years’ history to lead the building, permits, and inspections department. Her main goal is to reintegrate the online permitting, the inspection process, and all code violations, which will not only be more efficient in increasing the revenues but provide better customer service. In her current role, she aims to be a positive influence on increasing women's interest in the construction and code compliance industry. Dr. Sinani previously worked as Operations Director of the Department of Development Services where she managed successfully a multimillion-dollar operation budget, multiple contracts, and human resources program which resulted in cost reductions, revenue improvement, and team building. Elda Sinani. Elda Sinani. City Of Hartford. Elda Sinani - e27. Dr. Elda Sinani.