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Social Media and The Church

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We are the leading provider of cloud software & services. About Social Church. Grow your church through social media. How you Can Use Social Media to Help Grow Your Church - Church Communications. Seven Reasons Your Church Needs a Social Media Director. Four Communications Problems Churches Face and How to Solve Them. How Parents Can Use Christian Social Media - MinistryTech. Your Web Content Checklist: 5 Must-Have Items - MinistryTech. Including content that will both provide useful information for members and attract visitors is the most crucial part of having a church website.

Your Web Content Checklist: 5 Must-Have Items - MinistryTech

Church websites that do not provide proper content are as useful as not providing any information at all. Here are a few examples of essential content every church website should provide. It would be beneficial to incorporate these items into your church website. By doing so, you won’t miss the opportunity to attract individuals who may visit your church or inconvenience current members who may be looking for specific information.

What We Believe. 10 Powerful Church Statistics on Social Media Use - MinistryTech. As churches grow and adapt to the era of omnipresent Wi-Fi and smartphones, social media has become one of the most effective — and necessary — ways of reaching new members.

10 Powerful Church Statistics on Social Media Use - MinistryTech

Some church leaders are reluctant to completely welcome technology (and all of its complications) into the sanctity of their church. Learning how to effectively and comfortably use church technology and software can be a long process. A Beginner's Guide to Church Live Streaming. As the dead of winter sets in, temperatures plummet, and periods of darkness get longer, the outside world has become a scary place to be.

A Beginner's Guide to Church Live Streaming

If you’re reading this article from Gotham City or the future Detroit imagined in Robocop, the protection of a thick comforter, pajama pants, and half-a-dozen memory foam pillows probably sounds like an awfully enticing alternative to going outdoors. Also, if you’re a resident of one of those cities, please email me immediately. I have a lot of questions for you about time travel. But for now, let’s get back on track. Technological advancements have already brought the video arcade, movie theater, and library into our homes, so why not add church sermons to the list?

Church live streaming is not only a matter of convenience for members of your congregation, but it could be the only option for those who are unable to attend due to age, distance, or disability. 5 Pro Tips to Create Engaging Church Video Announcements. We all know the feeling.

5 Pro Tips to Create Engaging Church Video Announcements

That video you spent all week filming, editing—essentially working around the clock to get just right—has its Sunday debut. It’s the first official screening in front of your church. 7 Awesome Church Videos That You Can Learn From. On Aug. 1, 1981, MTV—the world’s first 24-hour music video television network—made history when it launched with The Buggles’ “Video Killed The Radio Star.”

7 Awesome Church Videos That You Can Learn From

Around 20 years later, MTV largely abandoned music video programming in favor of so-called reality television, an ever-evolving format that should fascinate and baffle anthropologists for centuries to come. And while MTV has moved away from the innovation that it popularized, short-form videos aren’t going anywhere. A 2016 Cisco white paper predicts that “video traffic will be 82 percent of all consumer Internet traffic by 2020.” “It would take an individual more than 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month in 2020. Every second, nearly a million minutes of video content will cross the network by 2020.” Mind blowing stuff Many communities—including technologically advanced churches—have picked up on this trend and are doing some amazing things with it. 5 Pro Tips to Create Engaging Church Video Announcements. 13 Awesome and Free Social Media Templates For Your Church.

I first worked as a church media director more than five years ago, and one of my responsibilities was managing the social media channels for my church.

13 Awesome and Free Social Media Templates For Your Church

I have since spent years consuming information and taking courses on social media strategies. Most of what I learned was vague and abstract. It was good information, but it wasn’t concrete or practical. Rather than providing specific steps and strategies, the best training suggested things like this… “Be valuable.” The 20 Best Resources for Free Church Graphics. What was the last text-only Facebook or Twitter post you remember reading?

The 20 Best Resources for Free Church Graphics

If the answer is that you can’t remember, it’s understandable. Pictures make everything pop. The easiest way to make sure that your message gets lost in the noise is to just use a boring block of text. Luckily, there are hundreds of thousands of church graphics available online, free for the taking. 6 Church Social Media Mistakes. Do you ever wonder why your church has fewer likes on its page than your friend’s pet chihuahua?

6 Church Social Media Mistakes

Or why no one is retweeting you even though you just got a new volunteer to manage the church Twitter? While making Churches that Own Social Media, I noticed that even churches with tens of thousands of followers sometimes receive little to no engagement on their Tweets, or likes on their Facebook posts. And getting to tens of thousands of followers is hard enough! How can your church ever get on top of its social media game when you’re not even sure what you’re doing wrong? Thankfully, here are some tips from someone who has seen it all, from inappropriately placed skull emojis to Facebook pages with no profile picture. 1. Tweet It from the Mountaintop: How to Use Twitter for Churches. This is Part Two in a four-part series on how to use social media for churches.

Tweet It from the Mountaintop: How to Use Twitter for Churches

To read Part One on using Facebook for churches, go here. Quiz-time: What is the shortest verse in the whole Bible? If you guessed “Jesus wept” (John 11:35), you guessed wrong (don’t worry–I got it wrong the first time, too!). The shortest verse in the Bible is actually Luke 20:30: “and the second…” Actually, that was a trick question. Instagram for Churches: How to Get Your Congregation #InstaReady. The other night, I sat on my couch with a friend and participated in a truly Millennial activity.

Instagram for Churches: How to Get Your Congregation #InstaReady

For 30 minutes, we debated the benefits of Valencia over Nashville, discussed the aesthetic value of a firework emoji, and soul-searched to determine how much alliteration would be inappropriate in a hashtag. Yup, that’s right, those 30 minutes were spent posting one picture to my friend’s Instagram account. You may laugh, but the fact of the matter is Instagram has stormed the cyberworld with over 400 million users and a level of interaction that now rivals that of Facebook. What my friend and I were doing for 30 minutes was participating in a form of personal branding, and it reflects a trend in our society – the importance of social media in modern marketing. Why Instagram Is Great According to research conducted last year, 76% of internet users are active on some form of social media. Instagram knows that companies are using their platform to market products and causes. Getting Started: 14+ Awesome Facebook Groups for Church Leaders.

Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn money or products from the companies and links mentioned in this post. I do use Google adsense, as well as Amazon associate links. Have you found many church Facebook groups lately? Church Facebook groups are handy places to connect with other brothers and sisters in Christ and share what we’re learning to reach other people. Recently, I started a Church Facebook group, the Church Communications Group. SermonCast - Church Video Streaming Live BroadcastingSermonCast. Best Church Management Software. The Epic Guide to Building a Great Church Website. Update May 15, 2017: Updated to fix 10 broken links, add links throughout the article to more than 15 recent resources, and improve readability by replacing URLs with clickable text.

How to Build Your Church Social Media Strategy to Boost Engagement. Everyone’s doing it. Your uncle is posting selfies on Facebook, your grandma is finding new recipes on Pinterest, and your hairdresser is attracting new customers by posting her work on Instagram. As Erik Qualman, author of “Socialnomics” wrote, “Social Media isn’t a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we communicate.” So why isn’t your church taking advantage of social media and communicating with the world? Maybe you started a Facebook page five years ago that you only update on the holidays, or your youth pastor posts Bible verses on Twitter once a month, but that doesn’t cut it.