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Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. Simplify.js - a high-performance JavaScript 2D/3D polyline simplification library. Simplify.js (License: BSD, GitHub: mourner / simplify-js, npm: simplify-js) is a tiny high-performance JavaScript polyline simplification library by Vladimir Agafonkin, extracted from Leaflet, a JS interactive maps library of the same author.

Simplify.js - a high-performance JavaScript 2D/3D polyline simplification library

It uses a combination of Douglas-Peucker and Radial Distance algorithms. Works both on browser and server platforms. Unbeatable JavaScript Tools. Dojo Toolkit. Overview[edit] Dojo is a JavaScript framework targeting the many needs of large-scale client-side web development.

Dojo Toolkit

For example, Dojo abstracts the differences among diverse browsers to provide APIs that will work on all of them (it can even run on the server under Node.js); it establishes a framework for defining modules of code and managing their interdependencies; it provides build tools for optimizing JavaScript and CSS, generating documentation, and unit testing; it supports internationalization, localization, and accessibility; and it provides a rich suite of commonly needed utility classes and user-interface widgets. Dojo is completely open-source. The entire toolkit can be downloaded as a ZIP and is also hosted on the Google CDN. The toolkit includes about three thousand JavaScript modules, in addition to images and other resources.