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Car Hire Insurance | Car Rental Excess Insurance. 5 Things That Waste Your Time at Work [INFOGRAPHIC] Aside from the time you purposefully waste at work — checking Facebook or playing Draw Something, as the kids do — there's a lot of other stuff that can slow you down at the office. The productivity of a "knowledge worker" (read: non-farmer) hinges on communication and the ability to locate information quickly. VoIP communications company Fonality conducted a survey to find out which mundane office tasks suck the most time out of the day. Pinpointing and compiling all those wasted man hours could save companies some substantial coin. The folks at social performance management tool Rypple compiled the infographic below based on that data. The top time stealer? Trying to contact customers or colleagues. SEE ALSO: The Internet Is Ruining Your Brain [INFOGRAPHIC] The study also proposes that "unified communications" (UC) solutions can reduce much of this waste, though it's difficult to determine by how much.

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