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Dr Amit Joshi

MD - Physician, Post Graduate Diploma in Diabetology (PGDD), CCDEM Diabetes, MBBS Sexologist, Diabetologist, 14 Years Experience

Get Solutions to Your All Sex-Related Problems By Consulting with The Best Sexologist in India, Dr Amit Joshi. Discussing sex-related problems is still considered a taboo in Indian society.

Get Solutions to Your All Sex-Related Problems By Consulting with The Best Sexologist in India, Dr Amit Joshi

Some people tend to overlook their sexual issues due to the fear of losing prestige. But ignoring such delicate health problems, especially related to the reproductive system is not a wise thing to do. Like any other organs, the productive system and organ are also vital parts of our physical machine and sometimes, these parts require proper diagnosis and treatment to function properly. So, if you are suffering some serious sex-related problem, do not hold it back anymore and Book Doctor Appointment Online with India's one of the most trusted sexologist Dr Amit Joshi. What are significant male problems that require immediate expert attention?

In general terms, abnormal discharge, erectile dysfunction, penis deformities, injury to sex organs, thinning of semen are some of the examples of a significant male sexual probe that require immediate care and treatment. Sexually transmitted disease: Facts that all should know. Have you heard about the sexually transmitted disease?

Sexually transmitted disease: Facts that all should know

Well, it is also known as venereal disease or sexually transmitted infection. Such infection happens due to unsafe sexual interaction. One can develop an STD at a time of unsafe vaginal, oral, or anal sex with someone who is already having an STD. A prevailing myth about STD is that it is transmitted only at the time of sex. Hypoactive Sexual desire disorder: causes and treatments. Any idea about what exactly is Hypoactive sexual desire disorder?

Hypoactive Sexual desire disorder: causes and treatments

If you are experiencing a constant lack of sexual desire and do not find pleasure in having sexual activity with your partner, then perhaps you are suffering from hypoactive sexual desire disorder or HSDD. HSDD is often called ISD or Inhibited Sexual Desire. When a person experiences this issue, he or she neither feel any sexual desire nor respond to the sexual activity of the partner.

This problem is found in all age groups, but most women experience this problem after attaining menopause. Apart from that, work pressure, medications, hormonal changes are responsible for HSDD in women. Sexual Problems and Depression- Why It is Important To Get Proper Treatment? Sex is a vital part of the couple relationship.

Sexual Problems and Depression- Why It is Important To Get Proper Treatment?

If any of the partners have sex-related problems, it can hamper their sexual life. Men and women both can be the victim of sexual problems. Different people have different sexual concerns. Some can be treated and some are incurable. Sexually transmitted disease: Facts that all should know. Suffering from Male Problems? Book Dr Appointment Online With Sexologist Dr Amit Joshi! Sex is the indispensable part of life and yet, people are shy to talk about it.

Suffering from Male Problems? Book Dr Appointment Online With Sexologist Dr Amit Joshi!

To sustain a healthy sex life, men must take care of their reproductive organs as well as their functionalities. There are a number of males who suffer from problems like early discharge, late discharge, erectile dysfunction, penis deformities, and many more. Get Effective Solutions to Your All Sex-Related Concerns From Accredited Sexologist Dr Amit Joshi. Sex is perhaps the most private matter in everybody's life and most of the people tend to keep it a secret even if they are facing some sex-related issues.

Get Effective Solutions to Your All Sex-Related Concerns From Accredited Sexologist Dr Amit Joshi

There are comparatively very few people who eventually decide to consult a sexual health specialist and share their individual sex-related concerns to seek proper and safe solutions. Truth to be told, it is the rightest thing to do rather than nurturing the problem silently. Overlooking the sex problems for a long-time can also lead someone to face more serious problems in future. In married couples, if one partner is having sexual problems, it can propagate mating disturbances and lots of misunderstandings between the two. Reasons That Couples Should Consult a Sexual Health Specialist. Despite its beautiful bonding value, A couple's relationship can meet a phase of extreme misunderstandings, particularly when their sex life is upset or sinking.

Reasons That Couples Should Consult a Sexual Health Specialist

Almost everyone prefers keeping it as a secret rather than seeking some reliable help. Most of the people often lose the hope of channelising their sexual desires and concerns, however, they are wrong! Dr Amit Joshi Sexologist in Jaipur- The Best Guide For a Fruitful Sexual Health life! Human sexuality and sexual behaviour are termed as sexology in the scientific term.

Dr Amit Joshi Sexologist in Jaipur- The Best Guide For a Fruitful Sexual Health life!

For every relation, sex is a link which helps in binding the couple more strong. People in most of the relation consider sex to be the most interesting part between the couple. But for some partners, it is not possible to shower love by giving happiness through sex. That is where you need a Online sexual health consultant. Does Penis Size Really Matter? Know the Facts and Misconceptions! Men often struggle with the perplexing fact that whether the size of their penis does really matter in determining their sexual wellbeing.

Does Penis Size Really Matter? Know the Facts and Misconceptions!

Few men consider their feasible insufficiency regarding their penis size. The concerns and facts regarding this topic are a bit complicated, but it is to be understood that the problem related to your peins size is mostly concentrated in your own perception than in your partner’s. This blog will explicate some relevant facts and misconceptions which will clear your doubts regarding the size of the penis. Facts The study of journal Psychology of Men and Masculinity, normal pines size during the erection of sixty-eight per cent men is between 4.6 and 6 inches and this is the male average pensis size.

Get Effective Solutions to Your All Sex-Related Concerns From Accredited Sexologist Dr Amit Joshi. Dr Amit Joshi Sexologist in Jaipur- The Best Guide For a Fruitful Sexual Health life! Book Online appointment With Dr Amit Joshi sexologist in Jaipur during coronavirus outbreak ! FAQ About Sexual Health by Dr Amit Joshi. 1.

FAQ About Sexual Health by Dr Amit Joshi

Is there anything to worry about the small size of my 20-months old baby’s very small penis size? The penis size becomes normal in the morning. What to do? There is no need to worry in this regard unless your child’s age is 2 years or more. The small size might be due to the overlapping of subcutaneous fat in the groin area. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Frequently Asked Questions Part - 2 About Sexual Health From Dr Amit Joshi. 1.

Does regular masturbation cause erectile dysfunction of weakness? It is just a myth that needs to be busted. Masturbating twice or thrice a week will not all affect your health or make you weak. COVID -19: All you need to know about symptoms and precautions. Coronavirus has been termed as a pandemic as it has crossed boundaries and affected a lot of people across many continents. It originated in Wuhan, China and took a toll on 3270 patients. More than 81,093 cases were officially detected in China and now the situation is under control there. The worst-hit countries are Italy, Hong Kong, Macau, France, the UK, the USA, etc. It is very necessary for us to learn more about this pandemic virus and maintain the highest precautions for everyone’s safety.

How Shockwave Therapy Can Help With Erectile Dysfunction! A quick & brief overview by Dr Amit Joshi Sexologist Jaipur. Erectile Dysfunction or, as we call it, ED is the incapacity of getting and keeping an erection firm enough for sex. If you are facing an issue like that, feel free to work with the health care expert for treating an underlying reason for erectile dysfunction. Most of the men have, at times, experienced a bit of difficulty with the penis staying firm or becoming hard.

But, ED or as we call it, erectile dysfunction is regarded as a problem only in case there is an unsatisfactory sexual performance on plenty of occasions for some time. Your health care expert might recommend that you do lifestyle changes for helping improve or reduce ED such as increasing physical activity as well as maintaining healthy body weight. In case you are someone who uses drugs, stop their use as soon as possible. FAQ About Sexual Health by Dr Amit Joshi. Join Me This Sunday, I am Going to Live on YouTube 15 March 12 PM to 2 PM.

I Am Going to Live on YouTube 16 Feb 12 PM to 2 PM. How Shockwave Therapy Can Help With Erectile Dysfunction! A quick & brief overview by Dr Amit Joshi Sexologist Jaipur. YouTube. Penis Disorders. Post Pregnancy Sex - Tips To Help You Manage It! The post-partum period is the first few (usually six) weeks after delivering the baby. Sex might be the last thing you think of during this time. Sexual desires might decrease due to the following: Healing from the incision (in case of vaginal delivery)Cesarean birth healing (abdominal incisions)Fatigue caused by the whole birthing process and pregnancyStress caused by the newly born baby (especially more so in case of triplets or twins)Shifts in the hormonal levelsBreastfeeding related to breast soresEmotional difficulties such as parenting anxiety, relationship problems with the baby’s fatherPostpartum blues After the incision (if any) has fully healed along with the delicate vaginal tissues, it is generally safer to have intercourse.

It might take a few weeks for the healing process to fully complete. Also, there is a common misconception amongst many couples that during the postpartum period, having a baby again isn’t possible. Quora. Overview of Aids (HIV), Types, Symptoms Causes & Cure By Best Sexologist Dr Amit Joshi. Quora. Online Sexual Health Consultation. Dr. Amit Joshi Sexologist. Aids Health Education by Best Sexologist Dr Amit Joshi. Overview of Aids (HIV), Types, Symptoms Causes & Cure By Best Sexologist Dr Amit Joshi. What are the benefits of visiting a sex therapist for your sex problems? Couples and sexual partners sometime or the other do face sexual problems in their sexual relationships. Due to cultural restraints and social stigma, people prefer to suffer in solitude instead of speaking about their problems to a licensed sex therapist and seek a proper solution to their intimate problems. It also seems unsuitable to discuss the bedroom trauma with family and friends.

Though there isn’t any harm in it, but the quantum of shame bears heavy and people prefer to keep their lips sealed and continue living in misery. Many are able to put up a farce and act as though everything is normal in their relationships, but on the contrary, they seem to be dying a slow death. Shockwave Therapy. Most of the times people keep thinking about what is shock waves therapy treatment? Shockwave Therapy treatment is even known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy. This treatment is performed by sending the acoustic waves to the part of the body which is injured. It is one of the leading ways of getting complete care from the pain without taking medicine. Avoid thyroid disease to enjoy a healthy pregnancy. Thyroid problems might be difficult to diagnose during the pregnancy period due to the thyroid hormones’ higher levels and the other symptoms which take place in both pregnancies as well as thyroid disorders.

When it comes to hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, some symptoms are easier to look for and might convince the doctor to test a person for these thyroid diseases. Another kind of thyroid disease i.e., postpartum thyroiditis, can take place after childbirth. Natural Way to Increase Sperm Count - Change Lifestyle, Exercises, Yoga & Foods. How to Increase Sperm Count & Motility by Consuming Natural Food - Dr Amit Joshi. How to Increase Sperm Count naturally by using Natural supplement & Multivitamins.

How can men having a low testosterone level improve and maintain their sexual health? Causes of Low sperm count: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment by Dr Amit Joshi. What is Low Sperm Count & Its Types - Treatment, Symptoms & Causes by best sexologist Dr Amit Joshi. Sexdrive 660 011713125646. 5 Ways Thyroid Problems Can Affect Your Sex Life – Dr. Amit Joshi. Sexual problems are linked with many dysfunctions in the human physiological system. In most of the cases, inhibited sex drive is often linked with mental problems and hormonal abnormalities. The experts have found a proper link with the thyroid problems and the abnormalities in the sex life of a person.

How Thyroid Disorders Can Affect Your Sex Life? The libido of men and women depends on various physiological factors. It depends on the age, sex, hormonal levels, physical, and mental conditions of a person. What is Peyronie’s Disease & It's Symptoms! Abnormalities in the penile physiology can lead to painful erection and sex by hindering libido. A person suffering from Peyronie’s Disease faces similar problems. Clinical Perspectives in Erectile Dysfunction and premature ejaculation: Case Studies.

Mr Ramesh Chand goyal a 56-year-man visited my center for follow-up of hypertension control. During his history, he reports significant erectile dysfunction (ED) that has progressed over the past 8 months. This has been distressing to him and to his wife and has caused significant marital strife. He has been treated for hypertension for 4 to 5 years and is currently taking a combination of hydrochlorothiazide and atenolol with good blood pressure control. His past history includes obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.His blood pressure is moderately controlled (152/82 mm Hg). Complications, Medication & Treatment. Art of Lovemaking and Science of intimacy.

Post Pregnancy Sex - Tips To Help You Manage It! The post-partum period is the first few (usually six) weeks after delivering the baby. Sex might be the last thing you think of during this time. Types of diabetes and their treatments you should know! Female Sexual Dysfunction due to Thyroid Disease - Causes, signs, Symptoms & Treatment! Know more about the different types of diabetes, its symptoms and treatment. Diabetes is a life changing chronic ailment that occurs when the body loses its ability for processing blood glucose sugar levels in the body.

Male Sexual Dysfunction Caused by Thyroid Disease - Causes, Symptoms & Treatments! 4 Ways To Stop Nightfall! Nightfall or night discharge is a condition when some men ejaculate in sleep usually in the early hours of the morning or late at night. This problem usually worsens due to the weakness in muscles and nerves of the penis due to a past bad history of excessive masturbation, thinning of semen viscosity, fluctuation in hormones and a full bladder. Usually, men are able to hold the semen, but when in excess then it is eliminated in the form of nightfall or late at night. This problem usually worsens due to the weakness in muscles and nerves due to a bad history of excessive masturbation, thinning of semen viscosity, fluctuation in hormones and a full bladder. Men are able to hold the semen but when it excess then it is eliminated in the form of nightfall.In the case of excessive semen flow and nightfall, a person might experience insomnia, dizziness, weakness, loss of memory and sight, pain in knees, weaker sexual incapacity, infertility, erectile, dysfunction and not to forget stress.

Thyroid Disease, Tests, Diagnosis, Medications & Free Treatment By Thyroid Specialist Dr. Amit Joshi. Female Sexual Problems: All you need to know. Does the G-shot treatment effectively revive sexual pleasure in females? Sexual Problem Solutions by Dr Amit Joshi. Complications & Effects of Diabetes. Can Online Consultation with Best Sexologist in Jaipur Rajasthan India Dr Amit Joshi Solve Your Sex Problems?

Get Online Consultant with best sexologist for sexual wellness - Dr. Amit Joshi. Penis Disorders. Prevention, Treatment by Best Sexologist in Jaipur Dr Amit Joshi. Thyroid and Sex. Prevention, Treatment by Dr Amit Joshi. Female Sexual Problems: All you need to know. Post Pregnancy Sex - Tips To Help You Manage It! Post Pregnancy Sex - Tips To Help You Manage It!

Sexual Health Consultant. How does stress affect Your Sex Life. Thumbnail. Online Sexual Health Consultation.