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La Réserve fédérale piratée par Anonymous. L'affaire Aaron Swartz, jeune militant pro-Internet qui s'est donné la mort le mois dernier, continue de faire des remous outre-Atlantique.

La Réserve fédérale piratée par Anonymous

Did Anonymous stop Rove from stealing the election? On Election Night, viewers watched in shock as Karl Rove refused to accept the call, confirmed by Fox News analysts, that Ohio had gone to Obama.

Did Anonymous stop Rove from stealing the election?

A release claiming to be from hacker collective Anonymous alleges there was more behind Rove’s freak-out than first met the eye. The group says that it foiled Rove’s attempt to steal the election in Florida, Virginia and Ohio by using the GOP’s ORCA system. Two weeks prior to Election Night, a typical Anonymous video was released warning Rove against rigging the election. “We want you to know that we are watching you, waiting for you to make this mistake of thinking you can rig this election to your favor,” Anonymous’ ubiquitous Guy Fawkes character warned.

The letter claims that the GOP’s ORCA — a GOTV (Get Out the Vote) system — was in fact designed to rig votes in favor of Romney (although the letter does not verify this or specify how ORCA was designed to do this.) We coded and created, what we call, The Great Oz. Kevin Kelly on the end of anonymity. Anonymous hacker group attacks Israeli websites. 16 November 2012Last updated at 08:13 ET Anonymous announced its attacks via Twitter Hacking group Anonymous has launched a series of cyber attacks against websites in Israel.

Anonymous hacker group attacks Israeli websites

Data bombardments briefly knocked some sites offline and led to others being defaced with pro-Palestinian messages. The OpIsrael campaign was launched by the hacking collective in retaliation for attacks on Gaza. The cyber attacks come as the Israeli army updates its web campaign adding "achievements" and "badges" for regular visitors. Propaganda war Anonymous said it had launched the OpIsrael campaign following threats by the Israeli government to cut all Gaza's telecommunication links. "We are ANONYMOUS and NO ONE shuts down the Internet on our watch," it said. The group warned the Israeli government not to cut off telecom and web links and urged it to end military operations in Gaza. Called IDF Ranks, the tools add a "game" element to the blog and reward repeat visitors with points.

Israël ne craint pas Anonymous. Anonymous – Photo CC byncnd the|G|™ Israeli deputy PM's Facebook, Twitter accounts hacked, filled with pro-Palestine messages. Arrestations d'Anonymous après l'attaque contre Israël. Operation Wall Street : Proposal and Declaration. This is a call to all Anonymous “members” and citizens of the world.

Operation Wall Street : Proposal and Declaration

It is obvious that the DoJ and other government entities such as the SEC think that it is more important for them to regulate freedom of speech and information rather than to regulate the blatant organized crimes of the financial market. They persecute people like us, Occupy, and Arron Swartz instead of the Bankers and Wall Street executives and CEOs who have robbed Americans of their hard earned tax dollars. They hand out billions upon billions of dollars to people who in no way need it yet our conditions for the poor, or even the middle class, have been continually diminishing.

The middle class is now almost non existent thanks to the crimes of Goldman Sachs and other firms who have indulged in sinister and criminal practices. Barrett Brown. He has spent over a year in FCI Seagoville federal prison and at one time faced over a hundred more as he awaited trial on an assortment of seventeen charges filed in three indictments that include sharing an HTTP link to information publicly released during the 2012 Stratfor email leak, and several counts of conspiring to publicize restricted information about an FBI agent.[3][4][5][6] Between September 2013 and April 2014 he was held under an agreed gag order prohibiting him from discussing his case with the media.[3][7] Early life and education[edit] He attended the private Episcopal School of Dallas for high school but dropped out after his sophomore year.

Barrett Brown

That summer, in 1998, he interned at the Met, an alternative weekly, and spent his would-be junior year unschooling in Tanzania with his father, who was trying to start a hardwood-harvesting business. While there Brown completed high school online through Texas Tech, earning college credit. Barrett Brown : l'Anonymous qui croupit dans les prisons du Texas. Le 12 septembre dernier, le FBI faisait irruption dans l’appartement de Barrett Brown à Dallas, au Texas, alors que celui-ci était en pleine session de tchat, et procédait à son arrestation.

Barrett Brown : l'Anonymous qui croupit dans les prisons du Texas

La scène, filmée par sa webcam restée allumée, est toujours disponible sur Youtube. A cause du son saturé et de l’image de mauvaise qualité, on ne commence à y voir clair qu’au bout du sixième visionnage. En gros, d’après ce que l’on comprend, Barrett Brown et sa copine se moquent d’une des membres du tchat, lui demandant si son avatar est un gif. A 1:31, le FBI débarque et sa copine éteint la webcam, qui continue malgré tout à enregistrer le son de l’arrestation (qui semble musclée) de Brown. Les participants au tchat y voient un canular. Why FBI Agent Robert Smith Has Two Weeks To Send my Property Back, Part 1/3. FBI Ultimatum Pt 2. BARRETT BROWN'S ARREST AND DETAINMENT. Why I'm Going to Destroy FBI Agent Robert Smith Part Three: Revenge of the Lithe. The New Political Prisoners: Leakers, Hackers and Activists: Barrett Brown.