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Figurines. Warhammer. Green_stuff. Tutorials. Abomination. Extension. Derelict Whirlwind (GW U.K) MKI Spider Defiler (WargamerAU Forums) Thanks for all the replies.

MKI Spider Defiler (WargamerAU Forums)

It was my first major conversion and I was very nervous about stuffing it up at the time. I have been working on a second one on and off for the past 10 months (it has taken so long only because I have found so many other things I have wanted to do instead) and hope to have it built within the next few weeks. I am thinking of starting a modelling diary to help motivate me to finish the army it is for. @ Lonestar: Thanks mate.

The Great Grot Rebellion - WarSeer. Now that the lightweights are out the way on to the heavyweights.

The Great Grot Rebellion - WarSeer

When working on my vehicles I had to be sure not to make them look like looted vehicles so I had to redesign the look of each of the tanks.GAZA It was originally going to be aircraft carrier launching Grot bombs but the long 10 side armour was too risky but the mobile GAZA (NASA) platform proved an even bigger success. Especially the slogan on the side. (Too bad about the photo’s quality though) I was excited about using him as a Deathstrike but it was too powerful and too unreliable so I'm now using as a Manticore. The Battle Bruiser The Leman Russ was by far the hardest to convert but luckily I had a pair of shortened tracks from my attempt at a Half Track Chimera a while back, plus with the added small mounted turrets I made for the side sponsons. It’s not a bad conversion. Tutorial Blog » Rod Tutorial (Weapon Improvement) Hiragana - le japonais sans peine avec Titane.