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Formación del corazón. Cuando se habla del “corazón” en el ámbito de la educación y de la fe, se corre el riesgo de encontrar resistencia ante lo que podría tomarse, equivocadamente, por mero sentimentalismo. Si se tratara de esto, estaríamos tan lejos del cristianismo como si tratáramos de la dureza del corazón. No se trata de vencer el sentimentalismo con dureza, sino de la fortaleza para amar. El mensaje del Papa Francisco para la Cuaresma de 2015 lleva por título “fortalezcan sus corazones” (St 5, 8).

Lo que propone es una renovación personal y eclesial para vencer las dos formas más actuales de la dureza del corazón: la indiferencia y el encerrarse en uno mismo o en el propio grupo. Y como siempre, esto tiene una gran importancia para la educación de la fe y de la afectividad en la vida cristiana. Dios no es indiferente hacia nosotros En este contexto el Papa comienza afirmando que Dios no es indiferente hacia nosotros: se interesa por cada uno de nosotros, nos cuida y nos busca porque nos ama. 1. 2. 3. Familia y comunicación. El mensaje del Papa Francisco para la Jornada Mundial de las Comunicaciones sociales de 2015 lleva por título: “Comunicar la familia: ambiente privilegiado del encuentro en la gratuidad del amor” (23-I-2015).

Con ese título se propone que la familia cristiana sea –en su existencia, en su autenticidad y en la belleza de su proyecto hecho realidad– escuela de comunicación y sujeto de comunicación. Más aún, que la familia sea el mensaje mismo de su propuesta ante el mundo; de esa comunicación que es el “hacer familia” dentro y fuera del hogar. “La familia –señala– es el primer lugar donde aprendemos a comunicar”, a comunicar de modo más auténtico y humano. El "lenguaje del cuerpo" ya desde el seno materno 1. Y explica: “Exultar por la alegría del encuentro es, en cierto sentido, el arquetipo y el símbolo de cualquier otra comunicación que aprendemos incluso antes de venir al mundo”. Aprender a convivir en la diferencia, y a dar lo que recibimos 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Escuela de fraternidad 8. 9. Timkusner. Rome Reports. More tourists visit Vatican Museums, after election of Pope Francis. John Paul II's pontificate broke many records. But, beyond the numbers, the leadership of the Polish Pope guided the Catholic Church through many rising challenges in modern times.

"Don't be afraid!” One of the greatest challenges was the Cold War, and the two blocs that pitted the world against each other. John Paul II had suffered first hand from the oppression of Nazi and Communist regimes. His role was fundamental in the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. One of his first trips was to his native Poland in 1979. It became a defining point that encouraged Poles to fight for freedom. John Paul II was a seasoned traveler and reached all corners of the world. John Paul II referred to Jews as "older brothers,” and became the first Pope to step inside a synagogue since the times of Jesus. Speaking of spurring inter-religious dialogue, John Paul II was a pioneer in calling for joint prayer in favor of peace, as he did so in Assisi. "War, never again.” up:LK. Church closest to the Vatican, a Dutch gem. John Paul II's pontificate broke many records. But, beyond the numbers, the leadership of the Polish Pope guided the Catholic Church through many rising challenges in modern times.

"Don't be afraid!” One of the greatest challenges was the Cold War, and the two blocs that pitted the world against each other. John Paul II had suffered first hand from the oppression of Nazi and Communist regimes. His role was fundamental in the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. One of his first trips was to his native Poland in 1979. John Paul II was a seasoned traveler and reached all corners of the world. John Paul II referred to Jews as "older brothers,” and became the first Pope to step inside a synagogue since the times of Jesus. Speaking of spurring inter-religious dialogue, John Paul II was a pioneer in calling for joint prayer in favor of peace, as he did so in Assisi.

During his pontificate, several major conflicts made international headlines: Rwanda, Kosovo, Sudan, Iraq and the Balkan wars. WYD Patron Saints: inspiring figures for everyone. John Paul II's pontificate broke many records. But, beyond the numbers, the leadership of the Polish Pope guided the Catholic Church through many rising challenges in modern times. "Don't be afraid!” One of the greatest challenges was the Cold War, and the two blocs that pitted the world against each other. John Paul II had suffered first hand from the oppression of Nazi and Communist regimes. His role was fundamental in the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. One of his first trips was to his native Poland in 1979. John Paul II was a seasoned traveler and reached all corners of the world.

John Paul II referred to Jews as "older brothers,” and became the first Pope to step inside a synagogue since the times of Jesus. Speaking of spurring inter-religious dialogue, John Paul II was a pioneer in calling for joint prayer in favor of peace, as he did so in Assisi. During his pontificate, several major conflicts made international headlines: Rwanda, Kosovo, Sudan, Iraq and the Balkan wars.