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Embedded Design

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OVP: Fast Simulation, Free Open Source Models. Virtual Platforms. Handbook of hardware pinouts, cables schemes and connectors layo. Embedded Systems Design with Platform FPGAs: Principles and Practices: Principles, Practices and Economics: Ronald Sass Professor, Andrew G. Schmidt. 4.0 out of 5 stars would be good for senior-level college computer arch class 3 Mar 2011 This book is built around a novel concept.

Embedded Systems Design with Platform FPGAs: Principles and Practices: Principles, Practices and Economics: Ronald Sass Professor, Andrew G. Schmidt

In white pages the authors present concepts and materials that are likely to be true for several years to come. In grey pages they present material more focused on specific tools, operating systems, and a Xilinx FPGA. This should extend the shelf life of the book, making it easier for profs to tell their classes what to read & skip. In the book the authors cover a sweeping array of topics, presenting real-world issues that are often not encountered in logic design and computer architecture books.