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DPR-BARCELONA. Concept of the future city for the exhibition “Under Tomorrows Sky” (Detail) © Factory Fifteen Ethel Baraona Pohl and César Reyes Nájera from dpr-barcelona interview Jonathan Gales, founding member of Factory Fifteen Factory Fifteen is an animation studio based in London that researches the mixed use of film, animation, music, and photography. They call themselves Synthetic Architects who work in film and animation to produce the imagined, the unreal, and the surreal. Jonathan Gales, one of its founders, answered this interview about their work, experience, and expectations. DPR: To start off, how was Factory Fifteen was born? JG: Factory Fifteen was formed at the end of our time studying in Unit 15 at the Bartlett. DPR: We know that you have different backgrounds and trainings, from architecture to engineering, animation, and photography, among others.

DPR: Being at architecture school, you had the opportunity of studying with Nic Clear on topics such as “city and science fiction.” METROPOL PARASOL. 17M in Seville, Spain © Antonio Rull Essay by Ethel Baraona Pohl from dpr-barcelona. Photographs by Antonio Rull Current worldwide movements related with occupying public space are leading architects to re-think the relationship between our practice and public space. Reinhold Martin [1] says that is also important to note that urbanistic — and to a lesser extent, architectural — considerations have played a key role in the physical occupation of prominent sites in cities and towns. We have referred recently to the Metropol Parasol as a megastructure [2], due to its large scale and the philosophy behind the project.

“Having visited the city of Seville and experiencing the space of Plaza de la Encarnación, my immediate reaction was that we must strive to see the present objectively from the perspective of the future, resisting the urge to look to the past from the viewpoint of the present. We can read in the same article that if the crisis is not new, neither is the project it calls up. Architecture as a Stage for Protest. Arkinet. Ethel Baraona Pohl. Konstantín Melnikov monumento a la III Internacional Melnikov no solo fue un conocido arquitecto ruso, también ha sido el principal representante del constructivismo ruso, movimiento vanguardista tanto artístico como arquitectónico que surge en 1914 y cuyo momento de mayor presencia fue después de la Revolución de Octubre.

Otro de los grandes exponentes del constructivismo fue Tatlin, quien combinaba la estética de las máquinas con los componentes de las máquinas para crear arquitectura, su obra más conocida es el Monumento a la III Internacional. Pero volviendo a Melnikov, quien nació en Moscú en 1890, estudió pintura y luego arquitectura en la Escuela de Pintura, Escultura y Arquitectura de Moscú de donde se gradúa en 1917. Pabellón en Venecia de Cataluña y Baleares / Vogadors (Architectural Rowers) Cortesía Vogadors / Architectural Rowers Comisarios: Félix Arranz (Arquitecto y Editor) y Jordi Badia (Arquitecto y Editor) Más Información después del Salto.

Arquitecturas Colectivas Henry Ford. Ethel Baraona Pohl. La Ciudad Viva » ethel. En nombre de quienes lavan ropa ajena* por Dpr-barcelona “…deben de predominar errores profundos en la legislación cuando los actos que realizan a diario millones de habitantes para sobrevivir son Empatía ciudadana, espacios dinámicos, y transformación de la ciudad. “Entre el ambiente construído y la gente que lo habita existe una matriz invisible de energía capaz de alimentar una insurrección”. Capilaridad | Acciones en busca de los nutrientes ciudadanos. La Galería de la Magdalena. Fuente Eme3 Hace ya bastante tiempo que se ha retomado la importancia de las prácticas colaborativas Festina Lente | Urbaniza despacio… que tenemos prisa! “Creo que vivir deprisa no es vivir, es sobrevivir”. En Transición | Inoculando sistemas urbanos escalables para ciudades resilientes Renew Australia.

Buscando las neuronas de las “Smart Cities” En posts anteriores nos hemos referido a las ciudades como sistemas vivos que evolucionan siguiendo multitud de flujos, desarrollando infraestructuras tangibles Mercado. Arkinet - sharing architecture, connecting architects. Sustainability and Social Context. "In nature, organisms and species coexist in an ecosystem, where each species has its own place or niche in the system. The environment contains a limited number and amount of resources, and the various species must compete for access to those resources, where successive adaptations in one group put pressure on another group to catch up (e.g., the coupled phenomena of speed in the cheetah and evasive agility in the gazelle). Through these interactions, species grow and change, each influencing the others evolutionary development.

This process of bi-adaptive relationship (in some cases can also assume a form of cooperation and mutualism) or reciprocal adaptation is know as Co-evolution, i.e. the evolution of two or more competing populations with coupled fitness. " Vitorino Ramos [1] "Ne quid Nimis" [nothing in excess ] Sustainability can be, aside a trendy tag, a desirable life perspective with high impact within our cities system as long as we make a personal task.
